A Conversation for The Bikers Rest

newbie from bavaria

Post 1


smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints
*steps inside with dirt on her enduro boots and dust on the clothes looking around for Pond Rat to order a smiley - coffee with sugar and soy milk (if possible)* smiley - smiley

hi everybody

*looking around to see who's in*

and first of all: sorry for my english, i'm living in bavariasmiley - pirate, where english is less spoken. smiley - biggrin

smiley - winkeye

newbie from bavaria

Post 2

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Oh blimey - what kind of hostess am I? I'm so sorry for not noticing you until now, Yewa!smiley - sorry

Feel free to join us in this conversation thread: <./>F88338?thread=370505&latest=1</.> - it's a bit slow at times, but I think you have a better chance to actually get served there!smiley - biggrin

Bavaria, eh? English is a foreign language to me to - I live Sweden!

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