This is the Message Centre for wortmax
Greeting Wortmax!
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Started conversation Apr 16, 2002
Hello Wortmax
Welcome to H2G2
Am I correct in asuming that you're from Germany?
A448328 this is a page that has a list of German or German speaking researchers, you might like to take a look at it
My name's 3 Of 8, and I'm one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs).
ACEs are a group of volunteers, who meet and greet new users like yourself, help you find your way around the site, and answer any questions that you might have.
Below are a few links that you might find helpful
<./>Welcome-Newcomers</.> This is a brief welcome, with a few hints to finding your way around.
<./>DontPanic-Tour</.> This is a good place to start if you want to know more about H2G2, and what you can do here.
You might want to familiarize yourself with the <./>Houserules</.>
<./>Smiley Page</.> This is the home of the Smiley, H2G2 has lots of Smileys. You can view them all by clicking this link, or even by clicking any of the Smileys you see
You can reply to this message by clicking the reply button below, and you can visit my user space by clicking my name at the top of this message.
If you have any problems or questions, then please feel free to ask, simply reply to this message and I will do my best to help.
Have fun and enjoy!
3 Of 8
3 of 8
wortmax Posted Apr 16, 2002
thanks for your nice welcome.
That's useful informations indeed. But I'm sure I'll need some hours to understand the most functions of h2g2, also why my english is not the best.
At first I have only one question. How I can set an image in my space? I tried with html code but without success.
Thanks and greetings
3 of 8
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted Apr 16, 2002
I wouldn't worry about your English
Right then, H2G2 doesn't actually use HTML, we use something similar called GuideML. I assume that you know how to use tags, and the basics of using code.
Firstly when you're editing your page you need to make sure that you're writing it in GuideML.
After you have clicked on 'Edit Page', at the bottom, there is the option to write your personal space in 'Plain Text' or 'GuideML', you need to change the style to GuideML.
C809 This is the page where you can find the codes for pictures and 'blobs' to add to your space.
C801 This is a link to the GuideML clinic, where you can find all the tags that can be used on your space.
Although I know somethings about using GuideML, I don't really know an awful lot. If you still cannot add a picture after having a look at the two links, just let me know and I will see if I can help. If I can't help you, I will find someone for you, who will be able to help.
I hope that this helps
Have fun and enjoy!
Greetings Wortmax
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted Apr 17, 2002
Good afternoon
Yes, I can see you've managed to add the picture
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help
Have fun and enjoy!
Greetings Wortmax
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted Apr 17, 2002
I meant to ask you how you were getting along, are you finding your way around OK?
Have fun and enjoy!
Greetings Wortmax
wortmax Posted Apr 17, 2002
I think, it's ok. I need some time for everything. If I have questions, I will ask you. Thank you very much.
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Greeting Wortmax!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."