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The Thingite Psychiatric Analysis Thread

Post 281

Lady Scott

I think Red's gone to bed now...

*tiptoes out, turning out the light as she leaves*

The Thingite Psychiatric Analysis Thread

Post 282


your idea of closing ones eyes to get to sleep, really worked, lady Scott. And when I woke up I openned them again!smiley - magicsmiley - biggrin

The Thingite Psychiatric Analysis Thread

Post 283

Lady Scott

Sometimes the simplest methods are the best. smiley - smiley

Do you often have problems falling asleep?

The Thingite Psychiatric Analysis Thread

Post 284


Yes. depending on what's going on or not going on in my life. The radio sometimes helps, or the occassional pill. I've been like it all my life; ie neurotic smiley - laugh

The Thingite Psychiatric Analysis Thread

Post 285

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

Well, hang onto your neuroses, Red. Not that anyone is likely to come along and try to take them away from you. smiley - erm

The Thingite Psychiatric Analysis Thread

Post 286

Lady Scott


When it comes to neuroses, you're better off tossing them in a bag and dropping them off at the nearest charity.

smiley - erm

Wonder if you can take a tax deduction for a charitable contribution for that? smiley - huh

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