This is the Message Centre for Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...
sgab eseht fo erac ekat esaelP
six7s Started conversation Apr 30, 2002
!ikciV iH
,gnigammur dna gnitnuh hcum retfa ...KO
sgab fo llufgab a uoy ot reviled ot yppah ma I
ynapmoc srehtona eno yojne yeht dna uoy epoh I
...desuma ylisae dna wollem rehtar era yehT ...em ekil tsuj
And now for gnihtemos completely different...
I too lliw try my dnah ta this front to kcab writing...
....mmmmH with mixed stluser I'm afraid...
I will erevesrep and who swonk, maybe eno day soon...
Have a yppah Wednesday!
s'7xis aka six7's
sgab eseht fo erac ekat esaelP
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted May 6, 2002
I think you need a little more practice there Six7's
I seem to have got the art of writing backwards down perfectly *Smug mode*
My sister will be delighted with the bag full of bags.... Unfortunately she seems intent on letting RLĀ® get in the way of her H2G2ing time Although I'm sure if I tell her about the bags, she'd come a running to grab them
Have fun and enjoy!
3 Of 8 - Off to find Vicki, to let her know that there are more important things than her so called Real Life to be dealt with.
sgab eseht fo erac ekat esaelP
six7s Posted May 7, 2002
Hi 3 fo 8,
Im almost getting the hang of this new delgnaf style of writing, they say ecitcarp makes perfect...
So, what's this about ickiV then? I hope she's ko!
Am I right in guessing that you are her gib retsis?
Either way, I epoh you are both llew and kool forward to seeing you both again noos.
Take erac!
sgab eseht fo erac ekat esaelP
Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... Posted May 7, 2002
Hello... long time no...erm... messages....
Glad you are getting the hang of the writing... Many apologies for not replying sooner... like 3 Of * said... Occationally I have to go back into the real world
will be nipping past later for those bags...Thanks
You will be correct in guessing that 3 Of 8 and I are sisters...
Anyway... I hope you are keeping well
(Saving my receipts as we speak)
wonk reven ll'ehs ,ereh ni ikciV tuoba ekil I tahw epyt nac I
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted May 7, 2002
Good afternoon six7's
So how are you doing<?> You've almost got the hang of this backwards writing now. Keep trying, I'm sure you'll get there in the end.
You will win no prizes for guessing which one out of Vicki and I have the brains
To answer your question, yes I am the older sister, but she is the bigger one of the two... So I'd better watch what I'm saying about her... Very scary
* s'ikciV skcamS *
Have fun and enjoy!
wonk reven ll'ehs ,ereh ni ikciV tuoba ekil I tahw epyt nac I
six7s Posted Sep 25, 2002
?emoh uoy erA
? fo puc a fo ecnahc ynA
etis siht tuo kcehC
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sgab eseht fo erac ekat esaelP
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