This is the Message Centre for Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

My...This is interesting!

Post 1

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

I am quite confused by this, but then again, I am easily confused.
Never mind about my confusion. Keep on!smiley - ok
My oldest daughter would love this place! She doesn't even own a regular light bulb, and it is truly a pain in the butt to try to find anything in her room.
Karensmiley - zen

My...This is interesting!

Post 2

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

I know it's been a while since you posted smiley - blackcat

The wheels have been turning very slowly here at the Ministry smiley - blackcat

Why not send your Daughter over for a look? smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

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