This is the Message Centre for six7s
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enola ton era eW
Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... Posted Apr 26, 2002
?uoy era woH
..!llew gnipeek era uoy epoH
..era uoy ereh os ,gninrom siht gnippohs tnew I
*stpiecer wen ruof s7'xis sdnaH*
...noos uoy ot kaepS
enola ton era eW
six7s Posted Apr 26, 2002
!ikciV iH
oot era uoy epoh dna ,sknaht llew yllaer m'I
...stpiecer eht rof sknahT
sgab esoht htiw noos sruoy ot dnuor pop ll'I
!dnekeew taerg a evaH s'7xis
enola ton era eW
Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... Posted Apr 26, 2002
...dnekeew doog a evah dna yrt lliW
...gnikrow meht dneps I hguohtlA
!!!uoy tnow em rof a evaH
enola ton era eW
Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... Posted Apr 30, 2002
How are you?
I have finally mastered the art of writing in the wrong direction (as I am currently demostrating) 'Tis a bit strange, but I am sure that I will get used to it...
Hope everything is okay...
enola ton era eW
six7s Posted Sep 25, 2002
etis siht tuo kcehC
enola ton era eW
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 5, 2002
I came by to say > for saving me elsewhere and saw that elgoog link. So of course I stole it and posted it at n2g2.
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enola ton era eW
- 21: six7s (Apr 24, 2002)
- 22: Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... (Apr 26, 2002)
- 23: six7s (Apr 26, 2002)
- 24: Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... (Apr 26, 2002)
- 25: Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... (Apr 30, 2002)
- 26: six7s (Sep 25, 2002)
- 27: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 5, 2002)
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