This is the Message Centre for six7s

Can we shoot them?

Post 1

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

If you have a permit to then yes smiley - silly

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

Can we shoot them?

Post 2



Do you perchance know any good taxidermists that would be interested in such *trophies*?

sixSevens (its official, I'm Keeper of Hodftsoo, Rfinluw and Itwss , see my PS) smiley - winkeye

Can we shoot them?

Post 3

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Umm... Well I do know of some people who would be interested in such trophies... Unfortunately they're all in prison smiley - silly

Congrats on becomming an official Keeper
*Hands Sixsevens lots of receipts, of no value to anyone*

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

Can we shoot them?

Post 4

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

*Hands sixSevens some useless receipts too* smiley - tongueout

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

Can we shoot them?

Post 5


Thank you again!

Rest assured they will be kept safe, warm and dry and will never be lonely! Cramped, possibly, but never lonely...

sixSevens smiley - winkeye

Can we shoot them?

Post 6

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Morning smiley - smiley

I'm so pleased those receipts have gone to a good home smiley - silly

BTW - I'm impressed with the redecorating, it seems to have gone well, although you've missed a bit here and there. smiley - winkeye

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

Can we shoot them?

Post 7

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

smiley - sreehc
yojne dna nuf evah

em tsuj saw ti thguoht I dna, oot uoy

sneveSxis gninorm doog

Can we shoot them?

Post 8


!8fo3 ereth iH

!slaudividni enif hsuc yb detalupop si esrevinu lelarrap siht taht wonk ot traeG

...kaeps ot os ,*dnuora* uoy ees ,won deb ym rof emiT


<eyekniw) s'7xis

Can we shoot them?

Post 9

Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...


..esrevinu lelarrap nwo ym ni kcutS...eno ylno eht saw I thguoht I

?stpiecer erom yna deeN

smiley - ok sgab citsalp eraps yna evah uoy fi wonk em teL

?pows dluoc ew ebyaM

smiley - sheep ikciV

Can we shoot them?

Post 10


!ikciV ereht iH

,laed a felsruoy tog evah uoY
htiw od ot tahw wonk I naht sgab erom tog ev'I

detpecca yllufetarg eb lliw stpiecer llA

su fo ytnelp era ereht ,enola ton er'ouy dnA
yad yreve gnicafrus era su fo eorm

ytirojam eht eb lliw ew gnol erofeB

smiley - winkeye s7'xis

Can we shoot them?

Post 11

Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...

...esrevinu lelarrap ruo rof ngiapmac dluohs uoy ebyaM

ohw flesym ekil slaudividni enola dna desufnoc ynam os ebyam erehT
.srehto era ereht taht ecnarussaer eht deen


*stpiecer fo htrow sraey gniniatnoc xob nedlod a s7'xis seviG*

smiley - sheep ikciV

!enola ton era eW

Post 12


!ikciV aedi taerG

enil tcejbus wen eht eton esaelP

thgin thgiN

smiley - zzz

smiley - winkeye s7'xis

Can we shoot them?

Post 13

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

smiley - sreehc
yojne dna nuf evaH

^^ ikciV fo flaheb no niotcerroC S.P. ^^
nedlog = nedlod

emiteoms eb yam I
yas ot yttiw gnihtemos fo kniht nac I nehw ,ereh tsop lliw I

s'7xis sgniteerG

enola ton era eW

Post 14

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

deton enil tcejbus weN

enola ton era eW

Post 15

Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...

Hmm.... Hello six 7's smiley - ok

I am slightly baffeled to why half of our conversations were moderated smiley - headhurts

I did not include anything offensive...neither did you..

Was it not in English?

Suggestions smiley - erm

Vicki smiley - sheep

enola ton era eW

Post 16


Hi Vicki...

very curious...

perhaps we have innocently typed something offensive... but I don't think so.... Im sure we would have noticed...

I'll ask...

six7's smiley - winkeye

enola ton era eW

Post 17


I think i might know why...


smiley - winkeye

enola ton era eW

Post 18

Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...

smiley - biggrin...kcab si gnihtyrevE ,ooh ooW

smiley - ok...rotaredom a deksa ohw 8 fO 3 gniknahT

.etad retal a ta snosaer eht ot dnethgilne eb lliw ehS


?uoy era woH

smiley - cheerup..em rof sgab esoht gnivas era uoy epoH

smiley - sheep ikciV

enola ton era eW

Post 19


!!!aaH eeY

smiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheers! 8 fo 3 rof reeehc eerhT

piH piH

piH piH

piH piH

!og ot ydaer dna dekcap era sgab yM ,WTB

.era uoy epoh I sA !uoy knaht llew yrev mI ,gnikksa rof sknaht dnA

smiley - zzz emos rof emit ,ma03:1 sti - yraew elttil a mI hguohtlA

thgin thgiN

smiley - winkeye s7'xis

enola ton era eW

Post 20

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

!ereht yeH

llew er'uoy taht epoh I

smiley - erm nekat erew sgnitsop eht fo emos yhw wokn neve tn'did maet troppus 2g2h ehT

smiley - zzz eb uoy tn'doulhs... tub esrevinu siht ni ynnuf si emit eht wonk I

!yojne dna nuf evaH
smiley - sreehc

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