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Oh no... not again!

Post 21

Doug Dastardly

Hah, I can just imagine it now! So, when are you going on holiday to italy to put all this to soem good use smiley - smiley.

Oh no... not again!

Post 22

Ginger The Feisty

Thinking about it or i might go and teach over there for 6 months!

Oh no... not again!

Post 23

Doug Dastardly

I guess you've got to finish the course first, but what would you teach?

Oh no... not again!

Post 24

Ginger The Feisty

English! And you don't need too much italian i.e degree level or even A level, just show that you can hold a reasonable level of conversation. Because it is adult classes I don't think they bother about teaching certs either. It's all much more informal. of course I might have to get a day job too!

It might pay to go on holiday there first to see if I like it. I still think that all italians live in venetian palazzos or tuscan farms, and maybe i need to get into the real world before doing anything drastic!

Oh no... not again!

Post 25

Doug Dastardly

haha yeah, or I think you might be in for a bit of a surprise! So, I take it what you want to do, it go over there and get your own back for the italian lessons smiley - winkeye Giving those italians stick for not being able to speak english!

Oh no... not again!

Post 26

Ginger The Feisty

I give my Italian teachers as good as I get believe me!

Oh no... not again!

Post 27

Doug Dastardly

Glad to hear it! give 'em hell! smiley - winkeye. The last thing we want is them thinking they can push us around! Make a stand, for all those who were humiliated in language lessons at shool!

Oh no... not again!

Post 28

Ginger The Feisty

They're nice teachers though and don't actually humiliate us. They just take the piss a lot but at least I know they don't mind having the tables turned on them. They've both got evil senses of humour though - which I relate to!

Oh no... not again!

Post 29

Doug Dastardly

Well, I guess they can't treat you like kids anymore, and anyone on the course actually wants to learn the language so it's a bit different to being at school! I'm doing a microsoft course thing, which is good... makes a big difference when the tutor has a laugh with you, and even comes down to the pub with you smiley - smiley. That hardly ever used to happen at school! smiley - winkeye.

Oh no... not again!

Post 30


Heh guys (?) don't despair, keep learning those languages, check out my home page and see where it got me, talk about change yer life!! So if you live in/near Bristol can you answer any of my questions, like where are the good wine bars, when is the balloon fest, and recomend any good restaurants, and I don't mean the take-away!! Keep practicing the lingo.smiley - winkeyeSeems these doodies just double the fun of posting!!

Oh no... not again!

Post 31

Ginger The Feisty

Dear Traveller
Clifton - Wine Bars Galore
August - Balloon Fest - Head for the downs but not by car!
Glasnost in Totterdown - Best restaurant ever!

See you around when I move to Bristol too
Ginger smiley - bigeyes

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