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dr who exhibition

Post 1


anyone fancy joining me n my monster for this?its on brighton pier ,i think its there for the rest of the month n my brother says its great!

dr who exhibition

Post 2

I'm not really here

When are you thinking of going? I heard about this, and thought that J might like to go.

dr who exhibition

Post 3


I'll come smiley - smiley

Heres some details

dr who exhibition

Post 4


how about weekend after this ..if its still on then(cant see link)

dr who exhibition

Post 5


its on till november so we've got loads of time

dr who exhibition

Post 6


steve thought it was only for a couple of still like to go quite soon though

dr who exhibition

Post 7


Hell yeah!!! smiley - drool

Mind you, my Australian-based sis and her daughter are visiting London later this month, and are HHHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGGGEEEEEE Dr Who fans (my 12 year old niece watches repeats of the previous series daily, and used the Amazon gift voucher I gave her for her birthday to buy models of K9 etc....)

I'll email her the details and see the reaction smiley - winkeye

dr who exhibition

Post 8



dr who exhibition

Post 9

I'm not really here

I'm busy that weekend - we're taking my mum's new tent out for a test run. I'm not sure I'm definitely going, but she won't be impressed if I go somewhere else!

dr who exhibition

Post 10


later is starting to sound better all round.last weekend in june anyone?

dr who exhibition

Post 11

I'm not really here

Sunday 26th?

dr who exhibition

Post 12


I can't do that weekend, its the day i'm coming back from Swansea.

dr who exhibition

Post 13


Yeah I'm flying back to Lux that day, too.

Saturday 25th?

dr who exhibition

Post 14


saturday or sunday would be ok for me..

dr who exhibition

Post 15

I'm not really here

That Saturday is the school fete day, J would be upset if we came then and missed it. I can't do the weekend after, as he'll be with his dad, and the weekend after that is the meet I think. smiley - erm

dr who exhibition

Post 16


right,were going sat 2nd july,anyone who wants to comes welcome

dr who exhibition

Post 17


I should be good to go that weekend smiley - smileysmiley - smooch

dr who exhibition

Post 18


well considering that weekend was sorted especially..smiley - erm

gives up

dr who exhibition

Post 19


smiley - huhsmiley - erm I just said that i was able to go smiley - huh

dr who exhibition

Post 20

I'm not really here

That's my weekend without J, so I'll have to leave it this time.

Let us know what it's like though. :D

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