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About bloody time!

Post 21

I'm not really here

I must admit I knew I wouldn't be with his father for ever when I was pregnant (so I was expecting to be a single mum) - but I don't remember thinking that when we moved in together (I was pregnant within 6 months of moving in), so I think that my child is more important to me than any relationship ever will be. And so I think that because this child is so important, I can't have another one. How could I love another person this much? How could I let someone else come between me and my son?

I hope that you find a nice chap to have another couple with. Although I've doomed my son to singlechildhood, I do actually believe that kids are better off with brothers and sisters.

About bloody time!

Post 22


Thats a common worry y'know. I remember when muy friend found out she was pregnant with her second child, she was scared she wouldnt be abl to love it as much..or itd somehow take something away from her first but it doesnt! she wouldn't be without either of them now.

I knew i was gonna be on my own with jo from the start ,was a drunken one night stand. But i couldnt bring myself not to keep him n ive never regretted it.

About bloody time!

Post 23


Probably best I don't comment on the first post.


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