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About bloody time!

Post 1


I have my new nephew smiley - biggrin his names Caden and he was 7lb 3oz.
I haven't been up to the hospital to see him for complicated reasons involving another friend that im really upset about! You don't tell someone you're going into hospital unexpectedly/urgently and then leave them to worry sick for 4 days as to whether you're ok..only hearing anything at all when your sister in law ends up in the next bed! smiley - crossSo i haven't been to see my nephew in case its seen as an intrusion by said friend who obviously doesnt want me there ,or even to know how she is smiley - cry

Im going to go shower the baby with pressies (and older nephew too so he doesnt feel left out)and kisses tomorrow at home..

About bloody time!

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - cuddle So still not heard anything on the other person in Hospital?! smiley - grrsmiley - sadfacesmiley - kiss

About bloody time!

Post 3



About bloody time!

Post 4


Mum just emailed me some pics of Caden.. hes gorgeous smiley - loveblush

About bloody time!

Post 5

I'm not really here

ooooh! Congratulations Aunty Tony!

About bloody time!

Post 6



I'm off to see him a bit later..can't wait smiley - boing

About bloody time!

Post 7

I'm not really here

Have you been? Are you back yet? Is he really cute?

About bloody time!

Post 8


Yeah i saw him this afternoon and he's completely adorable i'd forgotton how small they are he's just like a little doll (not 2 days old yet) !
He has my ears smiley - biggrin

About bloody time!

Post 9

I'm not really here

Grabbing onto things already is he? smiley - laugh

Babies really are cute - I just like being able to leave them behind. smiley - biggrin

About bloody time!

Post 10


smiley - tongueout

I get really broody around babies smiley - blush and they seem to be everywhere at the mo! I've got another newborn to go see next week..

About bloody time!

Post 11


Ahhhsmiley - smiley. He sounds very sweet. I like babies too, but the trouble is they grow upsmiley - erm

About bloody time!

Post 12


yeah a'know smiley - wah

About bloody time!

Post 13

You can call me TC

Aah, but before you know where you are, they're producing babies of their own. Believe me. You'll wonder how it all went so fast.

C'est la vie - or to put it more pessimistically "C'était la vie".

(PS I am not a grandmother-to-be, but it probably won't be long now)

About bloody time!

Post 14


As im only 20 years older than my son i 'could' be a granny by 40 smiley - yikes

About bloody time!

Post 15

I'm not really here

So could I! I'll be 40 the same year my son is 16, so let's hope he's learning something and keeps it firmly in his trousers for a few years to come.

About bloody time!

Post 16


id quite like joshua to turn out gay..then he wont ever leave me for another woman! smiley - winkeye

About bloody time!

Post 17

I'm not really here

I'd like some grandchildren though, wouldn't you? All the fun without the stress, and the thrill of seeing our kids deal with all the crap they put us through. smiley - winkeye

About bloody time!

Post 18


I would like to have 1 or 2 more kids myself when the times more right (very relieved i decided against last yearsmiley - yikes) so if i have a daughter she can sort me out some grandkids smiley - biggrin

About bloody time!

Post 19

I'm not really here

Oh! Forgive me for assuming you've had enough after just one, like I have. smiley - silly

About bloody time!

Post 20


I'm broody as hell smiley - blush just also enjoying getting a bit of a life back now hes older!

Id prolly jump at the chance to have another one if it presented itself properly though..I wouldnt want to be a lone parent again.

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