This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Ahhh rest..

Post 1


I'm knackered..smiley - puff Even though i've had a nasty case of lergies 'atchoo' ive been at work all week cos everyone phoned in sick n themanager was on holiday n i didnt have the heart to leave the one poor girl totally on her own most of the week! damn my conscience.. parental duties n a bit of housework excluded im goung to bed till at least wednesday..smiley - winkeye came home with a fab pair of shoes yesterday though so its not all pointless toil..
I've also decided againsty becoming a lesbian for now..till i get bored of the new toyboy at least smiley - tongueout

Ahhh rest..

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

hands serephina the gooodie award smiley - ok

Ahhh rest..

Post 3


'does tearful oscarstyle speach' smiley - diva

Ahhh rest..

Post 4

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

ohh! peach with a s smiley - winkeye

Ahhh rest..

Post 5

Beatrice toyboy, eh.....

Ahhh rest..

Post 6


yup smiley - biggrin not since the last time i spoke you though L

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