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Scary Meetings and disturbingly large armadillos!

Post 1


Just had to go to a scary meeting smiley - yikes
Josh got turned down for his first choice of high school(damn that makes me feel old, high school!)so we went along today to his appeal hearing. Wasn't quite as scary and stuff formal as I'd expected but still a bit daunting. The school has a pretty strong case against admitting extra pupils this year though so I think if we get him in we'll be bumping into the devil buying ice skates on the way there smiley - sadface theres always a chance though I suppose!

As for the armadillos , Josh was asking what DLA stands for when I was telling Ged not to forget to check the post office account for my payment.. disturbingly large armadillos Ged told him before I got the chance to answer smiley - laugh

Scary Meetings and disturbingly large armadillos!

Post 2


smiley - laugh armadillos.
smiley - goodluck with the school. will keep my fingers crossed for you.smiley - ok

Scary Meetings and disturbingly large armadillos!

Post 3

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Delightfully Lascivious Accountants?smiley - erm

Scary Meetings and disturbingly large armadillos!

Post 4


thank tab smiley - cheers

I was just reading your tv liscence journal..they really are shiteheads arent they!

smiley - laugh Devilishly lazy aardvarks

Scary Meetings and disturbingly large armadillos!

Post 5


demandingly lupine 'amsters? smiley - laugh

Scary Meetings and disturbingly large armadillos!

Post 6


Got the letter from the apperals board today

as exepected they said no smiley - sadface

I'd best go break the news to Josh

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