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Really not sure I can cope..

Post 1


oh bob...i found out today that not only is the cousin going to be there at nans funeral with her parents..who believed her..but the girl i'm supposed to have done these awful things to is going to! I really don't know if I can cope I mean has she grown up believing I did these things to herbecause of her mothers lies????i couldn't bear that...
its bad enough knowing 'anyone' believes i'm capable of such things..

not sure ican face going

Really not sure I can cope..

Post 2

Milla, h2g2 Operations

You can. You know you didn't do what every they say. If you get a chance, talk to the girl. Give her a hug, say you love her, and would never hurt her. smiley - cuddle

smiley - towel

Really not sure I can cope..

Post 3

Mol - on the new tablet

Stately likely the queen, my dear, stately like the queen. That's what I said to myself in similar circumstances. Those whose opinions you value will know the truth, and nobody else's opinion matters. Deep breath, smile, nod, and don't say anything very much, except to your closest friends and family. Like the queen.

It works smiley - hug


Really not sure I can cope..

Post 4


Hehe that might be more effective if ididnt tend to fart loudly and often when i'm nervous!smiley - rofl

i'd love to do that Milla but ive afeellng her strapping brothers would have me on the floor before got the first word out!

Really not sure I can cope..

Post 5

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

Then you need someone like myself there who'll beat the snot out of them with a big stick if they try anything like that.

Personaly I'd recomend ignoring them, and if the cousin starts making trouble then just give her a smack in the mouth with a blunt object.....your fist for example

smiley - cheers

Really not sure I can cope..

Post 6

Brown Eyed Girl

We know you didn't do it, and Ged knows you didn't, and really your cousin knows you didn't too. You have to be there to honour your nan, rise above the cousin, act like she's not there if you have to but don't let her stop you from going. smiley - cuddle

Really not sure I can cope..

Post 7


im very tempted to message lisa on facebook (iknow sheson there cos i searched my surname one day for a laugh n got a shock)
"just to ask for differences to be put aside for nans day as nan loved us both and its all about her. we dont have to speak, but please no animosity, theres none on my part as lifes too short to hold grudges and ive already forgiven"..but should I say anything?im worryng myself sick over it all

Really not sure I can cope..

Post 8


Stately. Definitely. As i said on the other thread. You are one of the Stateliest people i know (the other one is Me)

Look upon it as a Golden opportunity to practice Utter Disdain. You are Way Above such types, Noblesse Oblige (Oh Mods; it is French, but commonly used in English: it means Stately, we are above such nonsense)smiley - rolleyes

And once it's all over, go home with Ged; maybe Genie, whoever & then you cansmiley - grr & get very smiley - drunk

Don't descend to their level,ascend to Higher things. You can do this.


Really not sure I can cope..

Post 9


thanks everyone smiley - hug

I'm feeling much better about the whole thing since finding out from my brother that hed emaled lisa recently in anticipation of all this worry over potential nastiness and it seems she just as worried about
seeing me and my family! she also said the girl has grown up knowing nothing other than parts of the family dont talk ...huge relief! I'll
find it much easier to be stately now smiley - winkeye

I'm still cross the whole thing had tobe moved because some distant relative we've never heard of 'is ill and cant get out of bed early'though!smiley - cross

A lot of this doesnt seem real yet..i guess it will tomorrow when i go
to see nan at the funeral home...

Really not sure I can cope..

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Just remember, when you see her.. She 'Is' your Nan...

I remember seeing mine, and for the first time in years, she actually looked like my Nanna.. smiley - hug

Really not sure I can cope..

Post 11


Phew; so looks like the other girl was feeling much the same; you never know, you might end up becoming friends & able to sort past silly stuff out eventually.

It will still be emotional obviously; but if you don't have this added burden to drag you down, that will be a great help.


Really not sure I can cope..

Post 12


I think this afternoon(we're going at 4)will be harder for Josh than me,but hes adamant he wants to say goodbye quietly and not surrounded by strangers bless him

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