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karaoke here we come..

Post 21

A Super Furry Animal

here, have a smiley -'ll feel better for it!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

karaoke here we come..

Post 22


i'm never drinking again smiley - ill

can't believe i puked on my feather boa..

karaoke here we come..

Post 23

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I can't believe CID turned up!

karaoke here we come..

Post 24


smiley - rofl

did you have fun though?

karaoke here we come..

Post 25


omg, that is hilarious!! smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

I can't believe I had to be undressed and rolled into bed and *still* scored breakfast in bed the following morning.. smiley - laugh

The people running the karaoke were sh*t, I can't believe they didn't have any of the songs we wanted to sing.. smiley - wah

I never did find out who signed my boobs and bum... smiley - evilgrin

I'm sure they'll enlighten me when I pop back in for a drink....

If I haven't been barred that is smiley - somersault

karaoke here we come..

Post 26


At least you don't turn into 2legs after afew

I don't like your mother anymore fortaking this pic smiley - rofl

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