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Songs and people

Post 1


Was chatting to Genie a bit earlier on the phone and she was saying that strangely every somg shed heard so far whilst cleaning reminded her of a different person..for whatever reason..but she couldn't for the life of her call one to mind for me. certain songs bring certain people to mind for you? do any make you think of me?

im curious smiley - winkeye

Songs and people

Post 2


4 days in hospital seems not to have improved my typing smiley - laugh

Songs and people

Post 3

Brown Eyed Girl

Certain songs remind me of my girlfriend smiley - loveblush but I can't think of any off the top of me head smiley - erm

smiley - biggrinBEG

Songs and people

Post 4

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

Some songs remind me of some people and others just make me think of certain people.

smiley - cheers

Songs and people

Post 5


I know this may seem sentimental, But when mum walked out on dad, I used to put on Yellow Submarine for my two little sisters to try and comfort them. That was in 1970, and it always brings back those memories.

Songs and people

Post 6

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

'Planet Caravan' by Sabbath will always remind me of my first 'proper' boyfriend.
'Beastie' By Jethro Tull of another, and 'Another Day'/Big Fat Silver Aeroplane by Roy Harper of a couple of friends of mine (and a particular day), there's probably loads more.

Songs and people

Post 7

Brown Eyed Girl

Cyanide and Cinnamon - remember the girly from last summer? That's her song. The breakup was semi-messy.

Songs and people

Post 8

Wilma Neanderthal

'Dancing with Lions' - Andreas Vollenweider.

smiley - smiley Gave birth to my ickle smiley - diva while that was on.

smiley - erm well, it seemed appropriate at the time.

smiley - biggrin

Songs and people

Post 9


smiley - laugh

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