This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Oi ,..

Post 21

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I barely remember my own birthday, let alone anyone else's! smiley - tongueout

Happy burpday dear smiley - bubbly

Oi ,..

Post 22

A Super Furry Animal

Harpic bidet.

smiley - gift

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Oi ,..

Post 23

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break


Happy birthday t you...
Happy irthday t you
Happy birthdy Serephina,
Happy birthdy to yo!!

Happy birthda from Captain Coffee Break!!!

smiley - bubblysmiley - giftsmiley - cappuccinosmiley - discosmiley - bubblysmiley - rose

Oi ,..

Post 24


I can confirm that the old bint has exactly the same amount of lots of wrinkles and grey hair as she always has.... smiley - tongueout

Oi ,..

Post 25

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oops smiley - blushsmiley - kiss and happy birthday from me too... sutiably late as useual as I am smiley - blush PC access is... awkward at the moment; between computers... smiley - erm So... you still planning htis Bday meal thing with dinks afterwards and such like? smiley - erm when was that? you'l be ther e Saturday won't you? smiley - ermsmiley - discosmiley - divasmiley - alesmiley - stiffdrink

Oi ,..

Post 26


kicks 'bob' in the bum smiley - tongueout

We're not doing a meal forst now and gonna jusy go straight to the pub to get totally hammered smiley - biggrin thats next saturday (the 5th) would be great if you could make it and obviously we'd out you up.

We won't be coming to the meet now no, I'm really not up to a trek into london n a smoky pub with all im recoveriung from yet.. so we're gonna go for dinner and see a movie smiley - popcorn

Oi ,..

Post 27


so you joining us for the booze up next weekend or not madame legs?

Roymondo said something a while ago about trying to make it. If you do we'll have half a butlins reunion smiley - laugh as D'mons and Ellie are coming.

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - drunk

Oi ,..

Post 28

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Might might might be able to ... depends a lot on how much I spend this weekend and what else I've forgotten about... I know I'm somwhere on the 12th, and on teh 20th May, but asides from that I cna't see any just impediment to my making it smiley - biggrinsmiley - wah Won't be the same having a central London HooToo meet without you being there smiley - wahsmiley - doh

Oi ,..

Post 29


Hiya Serephina, long time no see

Happy Birthday to you
Squashed Tomatoes & Stew
Semolina for Serephina,
Happy Birthday to you

smiley - bubblysmiley - cake

Oi ,..

Post 30


you'd better come smiley - winkeye nighthoover drinks in our local y'know

We really can't make it. I'm getting over stuff slowly, but a trek into london then the smoky pub for hours isn't really a good idea just now. I've not had a serious asthma attack (i passed out and stopped breathing )in over a month now and touch wood i'd quite like to keep it that way.

smiley - cheers SWL

I had a lovely surprise this morning , postman brought me a big box and inside was a cute little teddy bear and some very gorgeous flowers..golden lillies and orange roses. When I eventually found the card, hidden behind the parcel force document thingy..doh.. it was from Genie and Ellie bless them ..i was quite chuffed as ive never had flowers delivered to me before!

Oi ,..

Post 31


And I got a card from mags and her lot smiley - cheerssmiley - kiss

you all hungover from last night then?

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