This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Down the rabbit hole

Post 21


A what? smiley - laugh

Down the rabbit hole

Post 22

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Serephina, down the rabbit hole makes me think about warmth and flufiness in the rabbit hole. not bad place to be...

Down the rabbit hole

Post 23


Never read Alice in Wonderland? smiley - yikessmiley - winkeye

Down the rabbit hole

Post 24

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

too English for Dutch me...seen some movies, but never understood it.

did you know that white rabbit also appeared in the matrix?

white rabbit - A thing or a person too dangerous to follow. See Alice in Wonderland or The Matrix.

e.g., Do not follow that girl. . . . Why? Because she's the white rabbit your mother warned you about. smiley - winkeye.

source search: white rabbit submitted by pheloxi

Down the rabbit hole

Post 25


I did indeed smiley - winkeye

Down the rabbit hole

Post 26

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Hoopy burpday, hunni!

smiley - towel

Down the rabbit hole

Post 27


Thanks, I'd completely forgotton

Down the rabbit hole

Post 28


I'm really starting to think theres just no place for me here anymore..

Down the rabbit hole

Post 29

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Why? smiley - erm

Down the rabbit hole

Post 30


Maybe I just have PMS or its all the wful pills I'm on or something but the whole place just seems different still..quite unwelcoming (present compant excluded smiley - kiss) and really hard to get back into conversations n stuff..smiley - erm

Down the rabbit hole

Post 31

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you should have an wicked sense of humour which is very hootoo!

Down the rabbit hole

Post 32

aka Bel - A87832164

I don't know, Sereph, all I've seen so far was people being happy that you're back and telling you so. smiley - erm

Down the rabbit hole

Post 33


I did say I may just be feeling odd ..

That nearly dying lark does take it out of you a bit..

Down the rabbit hole

Post 34

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, you know, I somewtimes feel like you do, and I'm always glad for the friends who then assure me that I'm wrong. smiley - hug

Down the rabbit hole

Post 35

Mrs Bojangles

>>whole place just seems different still..quite unwelcoming (present compant excluded) and really hard to get back into conversations n stuff<<

Pffft! I've felt and feel like that pretty much every minute of every day I've spent on Hootoo.smiley - smiley

Unless I've had a wee dram, then I go round barging in places and posting "listen to me, I'm saying stuff!"smiley - wow then collapse in a drunken heap on the keyboard or somesuch.

Down the rabbit hole

Post 36

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Yup (to Mrs B)

Stay hunny, the disjointedness will pass. You've been away, things change, like they do. smiley - erm

We love you and have missed you smiley - smooch

Down the rabbit hole

Post 37

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Yeah, stay! Hootoo needs more of us, not less! smiley - biggrin

Down the rabbit hole

Post 38

Brown Eyed Girl

smiley - love loves you and shes not even met you. Not even online. PLease don't go away, Sereph.

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