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Right, this meet thing in April..

Post 41


so, apart from master B , who asked in another thread, does anyone need a sofa/spare room for the meet?

Right, this meet thing in April..

Post 42

Skankyrich [?]

Not sure yet - I can see my plans are going to be very last minute as usual smiley - smiley

Right, this meet thing in April..

Post 43


After the weekend I've just had so are mine smiley - winkeye but whether I make it along or not people are still welcome to stay as I expect Ged and Genie will still go.

Right, this meet thing in April..

Post 44

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Serephina, you *are* coming. We know where you live, some of us can read a train timetablesmiley - whistle and we have smiley - handcuffs.smiley - evilgrin

Right, this meet thing in April..

Post 45


I will be along willingly as long as I'm well enough

Right, this meet thing in April..

Post 46

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

You can will yourself well - just think 'booze, smut, booze, smut, booze, smut' etc.

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