This is the Message Centre for Serephina


Post 101


I think you are doing your bum a disservice. You could apply all that to your average orange.

smiley - musicalnote Oh me darlin Clementine
smiley - musicalnote Hey Mr tangerine man
smiley - musicalnote Satsuma you walked in the door

Live at the Fruit Bowl.

This is an achievement. I am now on three threads involving bottoms.smiley - biggrin It is entirely coincidental that 2legs , Roymondo & Reddyfreddy seem to be there too. i only mix in the nicest circles....

smiley - run



Post 102


to better days ahead and brighter tomorrows.


Post 103


no offense meant. just waned to cheer you up from having a lousy day. i also travel in good circles . take care.sunlight8


Post 104


Hi there sunlight 8 , nice to meet you

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