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Post 41

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

They're rather sweet, you know. In my hung over state this morning I said 'Ah, you're rats and there are two of you, so you must be rat-a-two-ey. I feel no shame.


Post 42


I mustve missed that smiley - laugh

theyre being quite adventurous today n flash has been out for a crawl over n an explore of the house for the first time.


Post 43

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

It was just 2legs, the ham(p)ster and the rats in the room at the time. Probably just as well - a joke that bad would've derved a smiting.


Post 44


true smiley - laugh

you got old madam legesticorama back to kings x safely then?


Post 45

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Eventually. The Orange train timeable thingy seemed to think that we should go from West Croydon to get to Kings Cross. So, we spent 20 odd minutes wandering around trying to find the station whih eventually turned up on a high-streety type thing, exactly where you wouldn't expect it to be. Upon arriving at the platform I realised that the Kings Cross train goes from East Croydon.smiley - grr

So, we ended up going to London Bridge then changing for Kings Cross. Too many slow people with suitcases!

2legs has no idea how many times I nearly got us run-over!


Post 46


silly bugger idve told you it was east croydon if youd asked, nobody ever goes to west croydon


Post 47

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Last time I trust my mobile!


Post 48


smiley - laugh it didnt even cross mymond youd go to west found the george ok though?


Post 49


mymond? my mind! ithink its pickled


Post 50

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Oh yeah, we found the pub alright! Shame the barman was unable to grasp the concept of 'Your free beers suck, so we'll have burgers and Guiness'. Confused him, did that.

And he didn't know what gouda is, even though it's in their menu. The burgers were right tasty though.


Post 51


They do do a lush burger smiley - drool best pub meal ive ever had though was in a pub called the cross keys in swansea, fantastic steak baguette smiley - drool


Post 52


been playing with my space..what you stink?

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