This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 21


smiley - laugh

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 22


And not for the first time I imagine....smiley - winkeye

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 23


cow smiley - tongueout

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 24


Man Violater! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

(is secretly jelous she has no man to violate....)

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 25



though im doing no violating at present cos ive got thrush smiley - wah

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 26

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Too much informations!

(Ooh, look, pot/kettle again!)

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 27


sod off smiley - tongueout

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 28

Brown Eyed Girl

Aww smiley - hug

See, I'm nice smiley - tongueout

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 29

aka Bel - A87832164

Just back from looking up thrush smiley - ill

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 30

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - rofl No B'El, she didn't mean the Birdies smiley - rofl

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 31

aka Bel - A87832164

I know , it's candidiasis smiley - smiley

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 32

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Make sure Ged gets treated too, or he'll re-infect you.

Sorry, I know this from personal experience.

*sharing the knowledge*

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 33


Theres nothing worse than passing it back n forth smiley - erm I reckon its these anti biotics the dr gave me for my chest (there ones I don't usually have)thats caused it

Ooh I'm on the Front Pge!

Post 34


smiley - roflMUM!!

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