This is the Message Centre for Serephina

would someone..

Post 1


..have a look an enry i've been working on n give any thoughts?


smiley - cheers

would someone..

Post 2

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

one quick note, witchcraft is both capitalised and uncapitalised.

Looks fine, though I think it doesn't actually say what it is untill most of the way down the entry.

If there was a paragrapgh explaing what it was, then how witches write it, it may be better.

Some question that spring to mind.

1) is there any sort of accepted format for it,
2) should it be kept private / secret
3) In the age of computers, so technowiccans and wiccan influenced techopagans still use a book of shadows or do they have a digital equiv. (and a spellchecker ?)

would someone..

Post 3


smiley - cheers

I'll have a look at how to rearrange it all later. Up to my eyes in housework at the mo smiley - puff I added a brief bit about online BOS though.

would someone..

Post 4


Made some changes.. how does it look now?

would someone..

Post 5


Can anyone suggest a better title?

would someone..

Post 6

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

it could do with the spaces moved outside the links smiley - smiley

would someone..

Post 7


smiley - doh that always gets me!

would someone..

Post 8


Just had a look and can't see what you mean smiley - erm

would someone..

Post 9

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

example .. Doreen Valiente and Aleister Crowley

the space needs to be after the and rather than before the Aleister

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