This is the Message Centre for Serephina

South London Mini Meet?

Post 81

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

WEll, I'd imagine a likely bunch might well include, 2legs', RF, Roymondo, 'mazin mad fiddler if he's not gigging smiley - erm maybe we could hastle some of the London Italics to see if we could make em come along? smiley - erm there must be tons more people living in London who could come down for it smiley - erm heck, I don't even live in London but it does only seem a step away from here smiley - ermsmiley - boing

South London Mini Meet?

Post 82


Start heckling then youre better at it than me smiley - laugh

South London Mini Meet?

Post 83

A Super Furry Animal

Um...I think I'll probbaly pop along for a shandy or perhaps two.

Someone to heckle (and I may take it upon myself to do so) is QueenBronners, who has recently returned to this parish, and lives somewhere in the East End if I recall correctly.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

South London Mini Meet?

Post 84


I've left a note for bronners, but feel free to nag her too

South London Mini Meet?

Post 85


Oh nose!

Babysitter can't do the 8th as she's got her in laws over for the weekend smiley - wah

You can go without me or rearrange

South London Mini Meet?

Post 86

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd say rearrange smiley - wah well seeing as I've about a tenner left in my pocket smiley - dohsmiley - erm and that'l probably go over the bar this evening smiley - dohsmiley - ermsmiley - wah wahts happened with my money managing skills? smiley - erm oh fettle da la loobrush smiley - erm ... and I've got to go online now and order up an external Harddrive then do some grocery shopping smiley - doh

South London Mini Meet?

Post 87

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wow I found a novel way of sorting out my money trubble (which was having spent two weeks money in about five days smiley - doh ) smiley - biggrinsmiley - blush I went to the bank smiley - dohsmiley - 2centssmiley - biggrin

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