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Sleepy pants!

Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I've strange sleeping patturns.... left to my own devices my body gets me awake by 10 AM or before most mornings, weather I've gone to bed at my normal* time (about 2 AM) or later (any time from 3 AM till about 6 AM) smiley - alienfrown the amount of sleep I get (on teh basis of a single nights reduced sleep), seems to make no difference to how awake or alert I am, and usueally well, never impinges on the going to bed time the following night; I.E., if I go to bed 5 AM one night, wake up at about 10 AM then that night I wouldn't be going to bed till at least 2 AM smiley - weirdsmiley - ufo

Sleepy pants!

Post 22


On the way back from joshs dentist appy this orning i went pasyt one of those chemists that does a health check thing free so i had one. my blood sugatr is normal so im not diabetic..but my blood pressure is quite low so the pharmacist referred me to my doctor..perhaps im anaemic or have a thyroid prob!smiley - erm

Sleepy pants!

Post 23

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

....or perhaps your not getting enough exercise smiley - tongueout how low was the blood pressure:?: mine (from experiance of having my blood pressure measured several times a day over the majority of a year whilst in hospital) naturally runs low... as I said the Doc.... 'well, wat can I say.. I've low blood pressure, I'm relaxed maan, just chill out and let all ago.... zen... zen is the answer... chill;' smiley - erm I don't think they liked me in hospital they kept putting needles in me smiley - yikessmiley - runsmiley - cuddle

Sleepy pants!

Post 24


smiley - laugh

im going to the docs on tuesaday.. n dont you start on about my diet, geds forever nagging me to take some vitamins before i die of scurvy smiley - winkeye

Sleepy pants!

Post 25

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well... hate to say it, he's right... but vit tablets ain't no good really, its eating the veggies you need to do smiley - evilgrin

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