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Post 141

A Super Furry Animal

Not all companies are looking for experience. The more far-sighted ones (I exclude the one I w**k for in this description) will actually recruit graduates straight from university and train them up. The ungrateful sods usually work for the company for about 2 years, then get a much better-paid job with a company looking for someone with "experience".

RFsmiley - evilgrin


Post 142


you don't happen to know the names of any of these companies RF?


Post 143

A Super Furry Animal

Did they not do a "milk round" when you were at uni? they usually do it to try to attract the final-year students and bag them before they get snapped up by other companies. The ones I know are in financial services, because that's the area I'm in, but I'm sure media companies must operate similarly?

RFsmiley - evilgrin


Post 144


We did have an exhibition in Islington last July, where people were meant to come round and snap us up. But it was the same week as the tube bombings, so hardly anyone came. smiley - sadface


Post 145


Hmm yes the exhibition smiley - cross


Post 146


smiley - erm

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