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Being nosey ;)

Post 81

A Super Furry Animal

Neither of you are old.

smiley - run

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Being nosey ;)

Post 82

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes feels LIke I'm old sometimes... most of the times now smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - run

Being nosey ;)

Post 83

Skankyrich [?]

I was Grandpa Rich in the taxi smiley - smiley

Being nosey ;)

Post 84

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hubby made me walk for aaaages smiley - erm

Being nosey ;)

Post 85


1) have we met? Yes
2) if so when and where? At a tram station near to the really friendly pubsmiley - cheerssmiley - yikessmiley - run
3) the first thing you remember about me? You fell over at the chippysmiley - winkeye
4) do we keep in touch? would you like to see more of each other? (or have the chance to meet?) I would love to but time and money very rarely permitsmiley - sadface
5) would you consider me an internet aquaintance,internet friend, buddy,friend,good/close friend,best friend, family,lover or not a 'friend' at all? An internet friend would be the honest answersmiley - ok

Being nosey ;)

Post 86

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Now to be perfectly honest...smiley - tongueoutsmiley - devil

1) have we met? Yes

2) if so when and where? At the recent London Meet at the pub

3) the first thing you remember about me? How kind you and fords were to me when I was a newbie.

4) do we keep in touch? would you like to see more of each other? (or have the chance to meet?) We had been trying to meet for almost a year.. and finally made it!

5) would you consider me an internet aquaintance,internet friend, buddy,friend,good/close friend,best friend, family,lover or not a 'friend' at all? My hootoo adopted daughter.. smiley - erm VV is after increasing her charges.. smiley - erm

Being nosey ;)

Post 87


Tell VV to go suck a lemon smiley - winkeye

As for you Mr Creachything..i didnt fall over in the chippy, its a complete figment of your imagination smiley - blushsmiley - run
And it wouldnt hurt to write the odd email would it smiley - tongueout

The really friendly pub isn't there anymore, its a building site now!

Being nosey ;)

Post 88


Ahhhh, why'd they knock it down. The landlord was such a chirpy old boy, surely he must have been making a mint with such a good customer service....blah blah blah, too much sarcasm can kill you ya knowsmiley - laugh

I sent you an emailsmiley - ok

It's a joke one, not a conversation one, but it has the possibility of creating a conversation as most good jokes do havesmiley - erm or something like thatsmiley - smiley

Being nosey ;)

Post 89


I haven't a clue smiley - erm Maybe theyll build a supermarket there or something. Its a right eyesore at the mo, and some cleverclogs has written 'Welcome to addo' in huge letters on the boarding! smiley - laugh

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