This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Doreen Valiente Article

Post 1



I liked it!

Ya did good!

Gnomon's a smeg-head!

:::message ends::::

smiley - cheers

Doreen Valiente Article

Post 2


Hi again smiley - biggrin

Nah Gnomons just very opinionated, he meant no personal offense i'm sure smiley - ok

hows things with you?

Doreen Valiente Article

Post 3


Hi back!

Things are good -- I got my book published!!
"Teaching WitchCraft: A Guide for teachers and students of the Old Religion" is a classroom-based, lesson-by-lesson syllabus for teaching a "Wicca 101" class. It's got 49 lessons and two final exams, study questions and such like. You can find it on (wink)

And let's see -- my girlfriend and I are looking to buy a house and get out of her uncle's caravan; my ball-python familiar Muladhara got a clean bill of health; I really enjoy my job, working for a neon-sign company; and you can see lots more about me on my MySpace page ( Drop in and say Hi!


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