This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Nice to have you here...

Post 1


Hi, welcome to H2G2. I hope you find everything ok around the site. If you have any problems or need help with anything you can just ask me or any of the other ACE's and we would be happy to help out. It is nice also to see some people getting on here that have kids and are still into this, I have a 3 year old daughter.

Nice to have you here...

Post 2


hi..thanks for the msg..x
u dont get a lot of people with children on here then?
im quite surprised..idve thought most of the people on here would be those at home with kids as we get so very

Nice to have you here...

Post 3


There more than likely is alot of people with kids but, I just have not run accross many as of late. But it is nice to have you onboard.

Nice to have you here...

Post 4

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

A265169 H2G2 Parent and Child Group

Sorry for butting in here, but I just started this up again, and any new peeps are most welcome!

You can also visit my space by clicking on my name! Feel free to pop by smiley - ok

To do the cool smileys, just click on this one...smiley - smiley and you'll go to the smiley page smiley - cool

smiley - elf
yet another <./>ACE</.>

Nice to have you here...

Post 5


hi..dont worry bout butting
have only just started using this am pleased to hear from
off for a nose at ur space now so ll c u..bye x

Nice to have you here...

Post 6


Hi fellow Newbie smiley - smiley Welcome aboard - I joined three days ago. This is a really fun site, folks seem very friendly and nice ( that's a blessing!) smiley - gift and actually quite helpful. smiley - angel A lovely change from some other problems I had personally encountered elsewhere smiley - blue. I'm sure you'll have a blast smiley - flyhi. Are you all set for Easter? Eggs all dyed and decorated? smiley - bigeyes Do you participate in Easter Egg Hunts with the children? smiley - biggrin Big doings here in the states smiley - laugh! These smilies are so great! Good luck with this new adventure smiley - coolsmiley - fullmoon KAT

Nice to have you here...

Post 7


hiya..thanks for saying hi x so u like the smilies? i dont think i can use them as im not using a pc..i have tv email and am getting into this through a link someone sent me for bbci !
ur right about it seeming quite friendly here there..have spoken briefly with a few people sure will get to chat a lot more though .
we do have easter egg hunts here yeah..but m not aware of any being held near me :@(
am hating he easterholidays,,lol cant wait for my son to go back to school..hes o bored hes bouncing off the alls n being been ut all day today though so that should wear him out for a while! way hope to speak to u soon..bye for now xx

Nice to have you here...

Post 8


Hi! Yes I know what you mean about kids becoming bored. smiley - wah There are lots of sites on the web with all sorts of projects for children.smiley - smiley Most of them use household items or things quite easily obtained. smiley - coolIf we're allowed to post the addresses I'll be happy to share them with you.smiley - biggrin (I assume you'd be able to link up with your system). If not, I can provide you with recipes for home-made "Play-Dough" and finger paints and many others. smiley - giftHave you ever made home-made candy? smiley - wowTons of fun and you get to joyously eat any mistakes!smiley - winkeye A really fun project and at this time of the year comes in handy for the Easter basket gifts. Grandparents love that stuff - as they should!smiley - smileysmiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

Nice to have you here...

Post 9


unfortunatly my service provided has barred us all from being able to sneak into the
think i can just about remember hoe to make play dough from when i was training to be a nursery nurse (b4 i had my son)..but a reminder wouldnt go a miss..the home made candy sounds great thanks x i used to make a lot of cakes n stuff,,but ive ben really lazy the last couple of years with sort of must start again..heres my email address..sandrar1@activemail .co uk...xx
been out all day today..then again this evening so am hoping hat my little one will give me a nice lay in
in the am exhausted!

Nice to have you here...

Post 10


Hey - Grab the rest when you can - will return tomorrow! Sweet dreams and other good things! smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon

Easy Easter Candy

Post 11


Hope you managed to get some rest. Holidays are great but can impose a ton of pressure smiley - yuk. A real simple recipe for candy: get some chocolate chips and melt them (I use a double boiler as they can burn easily). When the chocolate is very warm and liquidy mix with any of the following: nuts, raisins, dried fruit, cereal, coconut, mini-marshmellows. I usually divide the melted chocolate into different bowls so there's a good assortment. Just stir the ingredients together and drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet covered with wax paper. Put in the refrigerator until hard. And voila! You have made your own candy! Try various combos (nuts and raisins are particularly good).smiley - wow It's very easy and the kids love it. smiley - biggrin One warning: Make sure the chocolate doesn't become too hot. smiley - wah Hope you have a lovely Easter and The Bunny is grandly good to you smiley - winkeye! smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

Nice to have you here...

Post 12



Nice to have you here...

Post 13



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