This is the Message Centre for eighty_sixed

Welcome to Hitchhiker! ...

Post 1

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Welcome to H2G2 eighty_sixed! I'm Wargamer, one of the H2G2 ACEs. My task here is basically to hang around, chat, help people out and introduce new people such as yourself to our wonderful (if mindbogglingly big) world of Hitchhiker! smiley - biggrin
Need to know how to make smileys like these:
smiley - smileysmiley - winkeyesmiley - angelsmiley - piratesmiley - wowsmiley - vampiresmiley - sillysmiley - drunksmiley - ok
Then just click on one and it'll take you to the Smiley page!
Fancy yourself as a Pirate? Try the Blood of the Zaphodistas!
The Sheep need YOU! Click the link to enroll in Operation Human Shock!
There are many, many more wonderful and interesting things out there for you to find! Happy Hitchhiking!

Welcome to Hitchhiker! ...

Post 2

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Hi I'm Bassman - another of the A.C.E.s. I'd like to add my warmest greetings to those given already and roll out the red carpet. Anything you need help with just click the "reply" button down below, and Wargamer or myself will drop in.

Bassman smiley - cool

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