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Post 1

Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats)

I usually don't post all that much, but I just had to tell you, that I think your hilarious (in a good way).

I came to your page by checking who was online and read one of your conversations, the one that researcher posted saying you were a loser. I don't think I stopped laughing once through your reply.

Calico Kitty DOG Lover


Post 2


Sorry it took so long for me to reply to this post...I didn't notice it until just now, and I feel like a jerk because of it. I'm glad you are amused by my replies. It is good to know not everyone is like the people I was replying to. Thanks for the comment smiley - smiley


Post 3

Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats)

You don't have to feel bad. If you ever write anything else let me know. I would love to read it. Even comments...LOL. j/k.

Calico Kitty DOG Lover

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