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Hi kow

Post 41


No,i'm not going anywhere,i don't know if you remember the half price deal they offered me? Well the manager who wanted me to stay with TW,could not remember what deal he offered me(i had to remind him)This was back in april(i think) So i wrote a letter saying "i was promised a keyboard as well as the half price service.Well i get a phonecall last night,saying how sorry they was,..your keyboard will be there within 10 days,we apologise for the "mix up" ,you have been speaking to "blah blah" smiley - laugh.. its true! no more sore thumbs smiley - biggrin

Hi kow

Post 42


Do you know why there is no front row when you go interactive? Not that i'm complaining mind smiley - smiley

Hi kow

Post 43


You've got the new software which is needed for VoD/Teleport. It will still go to Front Row if you're watching a Sky channel though.

Hi kow

Post 44


smiley - erm i know that VOD stands for video on demand,but what is Teleport? I read somewhere that some australian discovered it and its a new technology,but it's still double dutch to me smiley - doh

Hi kow

Post 45


Teleport is TW's name for their VoD service, I'm not due to get it until December.smiley - sadface They're also releasing a TW PVR, which is like Sky+. Dunno what this Aussie discovered!

Hi kow

Post 46


I checked it out on a website and got the science of it thats why i got confused smiley - doh

Hi kow

Post 47


If you check out TW's site you'll be able to find out when it's rolled out across your area. Hopefully a lot of the bugs will have been ironed out by the time I get it.

Hi kow

Post 48


I don't have access to telewest sites,only a bit of info on the web,that's where i got the information on the teleport stuff,it was all scientific thingy's smiley - doh I don't
know about bugs and stuff smiley - geek

Hi kow

Post 49


Ah, well TW will send you a leaflet about it just before you get it. Not much content on it at the mo, only BBC stuff and PPV films.
Bugs is when things don't work, like when youy try to get into email and get a 6713 error box.

Hi kow

Post 50


Oh,i'm understanding you now smiley - smiley i asked TW why haven't we got itv4,they said their working on it.My sister already has it4,but then she's got sky.

Hi kow

Post 51


hi sorry for butting in and all but can u tell my how ur sister has got itv4 on sky? i can't find it on mine

Hi kow

Post 52


Davina34: Don't worry about it, ITV4 is on ch.120 on Sky.smiley - smiley

Carino: They always have trouble with ITV. They must be wanting pots of cash. It's on Freeview so it should be free-to-air on TW too.

Hi kow

Post 53


Hi Davina34.I see kow has informed you where you can find itv4,any technical problems and he's the person who will do his best to help smiley - ok
Isn't that right kow? smiley - biggrin
I had a sneaky feeling,that money would be an issue with telewest and i know it's on freeeview.i told them that as well,i have 2 scart leads on my tv and one is for freeview.Do you think they will put their prices up?

Hi kow

Post 54


I only just know how to spell technical.smiley - winkeye I saw Villa got robbed today. Having a bit of a rough time of it, aren't they?
I can't see TW putting the prices up they're very stubborn when it comes to carriage rights. Can you remember when Nickelodeon wanted more cash?

Hi kow

Post 55


Well i'll do the spelling and i'll leave the techniques for you smiley - laugh
Yep the Villa are certainly going through some tough times,i honestly think o'dreary has to go,unless if they sell then maybe buy some better players,this is the worst they have been under him smiley - grr
how did Barnsley do? they had a cup game didn't they?
No i can't remember Nickelodean!
I'll just bloody blackmail them again,if they do decide to put the prices up.
They told my daughter,if she paid her bill by the weekend(this was on wednesday)they would take £10 off the bill!,i told her thats the charge they put on for late payments anyway smiley - laugh i said tell them you will pay half of next months if you take off £20..they agreed...up here for thinking and down there for dancing smiley - biggrin

Hi kow

Post 56


Cheers for that hun, when I asked you it was't on but I've just gone and check and there it is. Not that I'll end up watching it, but it seems as though alot of the football is going to be on there.



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