This is the Message Centre for kow

Hi kow

Post 21


Yep, still here. Was gonna watch next weeks show, but thought sod it!
What's the problems you've been having?

Hi kow

Post 22


oooooppps there you are smiley - smiley ok i'll give it a go!

Hi kow

Post 23


Did you see post 21?smiley - erm

Hi kow

Post 24


collective,is the problem it don't let me in,i have to sign in and each time i post i'm on beasties page.i got to write down your code for my takes ages to write on a remote smiley - grr

Hi kow

Post 25


yes i got it smiley - ta

Hi kow

Post 26


Aren't you using a Telepest remote? Cos if you are just press back on Betsie.
Did you fill in the login link?

Hi kow

Post 27


Yes and yes smiley - laugh guess what?i clicked update and i ended up in the guideml help page..I wannna SCREAM!! smiley - grr try again!

Hi kow

Post 28


Got to get off now. If you're still getting GuideML errors leaave it up in plain text and I'll have a look at it later.smiley - smiley Night

Hi kow

Post 29


ok i'm throwing in the smiley - towel i'm going to have to give you my password,can you still do it that way? see you later night kow smiley - yawn

Hi kow

Post 30


Wey Hey,i done it at long last!
smiley - somersault
smiley - biggrin
smiley - laugh
smiley - smiley
sad aren't i smiley - laugh
It wasn't the fact that i wanted the online link that bad,it was because i'd spent hours trying to get it right,where as it only took minutes in plain text.Thanks anyway kow your a smiley - star here you are smiley - alesmiley - cheerssmiley - bubbly

Hi kow

Post 31


Yay!smiley - bubbly What was the problem?

Hi kow

Post 32


I think it was the that done it and the right quoty thingy marks smiley - biggrin

Hi kow

Post 33


That's what I thought it was.smiley - biggrin Have you had any more trouble with collective? Oh and have you got a TW remote?

Hi kow

Post 34


No,i can get in through collective now,but still have to go through betsie.I am still using tw remote and my thumb is getting sore.I was wondering,do i have to buy tw keyboard or can i purchase any one,as long as its infrared? I don't want to pay £30,if i can get one cheaper.

Hi kow

Post 35


When are you getting Betsie? After you post is my most common one, just press your back button. It's been reported. I'll look for the link.
Keyboard: You can only use either TW or NTL's but if you have access to eBay you'll find one cheaper.

Hi kow

Post 36


It's the top thread on <./>FSB126078</.>.smiley - smiley

Hi kow

Post 37


I had forgotten my password,when i went to sign in,so after 3 attempts,my account was frozen for half an hour,its been like it ever since,so i registered with collective and i get in through the 1st method you showed me.
As for the keyboard,well i'll have to try and think of a way to get one out of tw,there's a very nice chap in customer services,who can't do enough for me,when i tell him i'm thinking of switching companies smiley - winkeye
I cant access that link btw,it says no request? smiley - erm

Hi kow

Post 38


I got mine in on of the special offers they had so it was £20 rather than £30. But there's hardly any content on TW now.smiley - erm

The link should have been: A1064990

Hi kow

Post 39


I Aggree.smiley - ta
for the link smiley - hug I hope to get my keyboard free smiley - biggrin

Hi kow

Post 40


Oh yes? You planning on quitting again?LOL

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