This is the Message Centre for kow

Hi kow

Post 1


Thanks for your help,it took me awhile,but that was betsie fault.How you been? and have i missed anything? smiley - smiley

Hi kow

Post 2


Another new space?smiley - biggrin I think that's about five now innit?LOL Not missed much, but the online button has changed to <./>online?orderbyname?thissite=1</.> as the other doesn't work anymore.

Which way did you come in?

Hi kow

Post 3


At least 5 names,i think i'll skip the intro's smiley - laugh how do i put the online thingy on,shall click onto yours for the code?
Which way did i come in? Through the front door,head held high smiley - biggrin
I registered AGAIN,collective was blocked on the first link.

Hi kow

Post 4


Can you do GuideML or do you mean in plain text?

Hi kow

Post 5


Yes i can do both,i'm trying to have a go,but i'm not winning.Its been a long time,my memory is not as sharp as it was smiley - laugh

Hi kow

Post 6


GuideML is:
Plain is:
<. /><./>online?orderby=id?thissite=1</.></ .> without the spaces. I had to think then, it's a while since I've done any.LOL

Hi kow

Post 7


Ok thanks i'll have a go at the plain one,that looks more simpler smiley - cheers

Hi kow

Post 8


If you use the top link (http... etc.), in the second way, you'll be able to use it to get into the site from collective easier.smiley - smiley

Catch ya later.

Hi kow

Post 9


I got them both thanks.
goodnight smiley - yawn

Hi kow

Post 10


Could you please tell me where i'm going wrong,i can't see any closing brackets,which they say is missing,i got them both right when i put them at the top,i changed the smilies and had to delete the brackets and i had to change & to and,why? is it because its in guideml? what do i put in place of ( )?Ive had enough,its took me hours!
smiley - steam
smiley - wah
smiley - steam

Hi kow

Post 11


I'll just have a look, you'll have to put it in plain text though.smiley - sadface

Hi kow

Post 12


Oh, you have.smiley - biggrin It may be the speechmarks at the end of the link ("http// etc"), or it may be the lowercase , change that to .

Hi kow

Post 13


It is in plain text,i'll have a look at your post tomorrow,i'm shattered,my eyes are squinting smiley - laugh

Hi kow

Post 14


You shouldn't have posted then.smiley - tongueout While I'm here stick a and a at the start and end of the text.

Hi kow

Post 15


Sorry kow,i had been trying for hours last night,i have gone over it again,but still no luck,i'm missing quotes,but i cant see where,it shows up in plain text alright and like i said,they both were ok at the top of my space,i tried the as well. smiley - groan

Hi kow

Post 16


Give me a shout when you want to give it another try.smiley - cuddle

Hi kow

Post 17


Well your timings good,i just spent half an hour sending a post (still on remote) I couldn't get in via collective,for some reason i was logged out smiley - doh anyway shall we have another try? I am determined to do it smiley - laugh

Hi kow

Post 18


Sorry I didn't realise you were online and was watching Lost. So where do you want to start?smiley - smiley

Hi kow

Post 19


I've just had a look. Put a after and a before . On your online link put a space after <LINK and you have the 2nd speechmarks in the URL, they need to be after ?thissite=1, so it looks like this: Online

Hi kow

Post 20


I'm having problems with collective and betsie!Are you still here? I watched a few episodes,but got lost smiley - laugh

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