This is the Message Centre for luckylady

where are you???

Post 1


Hello everyone!smiley - smiley Just trying to find out how many of my lovely friends are out there!smiley - hug I want as many as possible friends to contact me here so we can catch up on old times!smiley - hug....such as ...corndolly,pinklady,tenbob....smiley - hugsee you all soon, i hope!smiley - smiley

where are you???

Post 2


. smiley - biggrin
..... type the name you want in the
..... h2g2 search box and see where
..... it leads to,
,.... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

where are you???

Post 3


.. smiley - hug
.... Good morning Tinker, you still
.... having problems here?
.... Type emmily in the box and you
.... go to someone called Sandra
.... she goes in ld.
.... also if you go to PINKLADY and
.... click on any of my conversations
.... you can see who I have been
.... talking too. Also if you click on
.... join conversation, and when ever
.... they chat it will come up in your
.... space. smiley - smiley

.... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

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