This is the Message Centre for TENBOB


Post 1


hello bob,it's me Sue...hope ur doin ok Bob
Marion forwarded h2g2 to me,how i found you i cant
remember howi did it now!! still learning how to do this!!
if u rec this ok my username on here is just corndolly
...hope to hear from u son Bob.luv,Sue


Post 2


Hi sue, using my works computer to access as my portable TV screen is that small, the page does not fit on and I can not read the tabs.
Have made myself a diagram to take home. I am finding it hard to find my way around but it will come. Hope Marion works it out, last message I had off her she was out of orbit. This site looks as if it could be what we have all wanted since ld finished. Fingers crossed. Bob


Post 3


Hi Bob,
it's Tina! having a right old time trying to work this out! Must be my age,every time ithink..yes! i've got it. Something goes astray! Hahaha...i haven't worked out the icons yet,have you? Hope you're ok anyway soon,lots of love Tina xxx


Post 4


Hi Tina, I am using my works computer to do most of the replying on the is site as I can not make out the icons on my small portable. Is this the problem you are having? if so does this help.
Front Page My Space Read Talk Contribute Help Feedback Who's online Preferences Logout. In that order.

Still looking forward to your holidays with the kids. Happy mothers Day. Love Bob


Post 5


Hi Bob,
just got your reply...thanks for the info,i'll give it a go.
Can't wait for the holiday,not long now...i go Sunday.Got clothes everywhere!can't decide what to take and what to leave behind...might take the lot! hehehe...Take care hun, talk soon.....Tina xx

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