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BBC Proms

Post 1


OK I'm like many who each purchaice the Proms guide, look throuhit and pencil in concerts to atend!

This year was diferent I actualy got there. I was blown away by a wonderful Singer, who was both beautifuk and talanted, with a voice that made oness ears shreel at 100 ft.

Next Year I will have the pencil ready, and maybe return.

BBC Proms

Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi there Lightman... Good to hear from you...
The proms aren't my thing but so pleased you managed to attend and enjoy...
Btw... please check your spelling of beautiful.... lol... Or is it meant to be spelt that way... smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

BBC Proms

Post 3

Mu Beta

smiley - laugh I think Light's way is better...

" I was blown away by a wonderful Singer"

Soprano or sewing machine?


BBC Proms

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi there Master B....
smiley - laugh i didn't think of that luv... was too busy giggling at his spelling mistake...
Seen your name online before and it intrigues me somewhat... (me having a mucky mind)smiley - rofl

BBC Proms

Post 5

Mu Beta

My surname is Bateson.

It affords my pupils no end amusement. smiley - winkeye


BBC Proms

Post 6

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - rofl well smiley - erm yes i can see why... lol..
But it was the "knobs" that caught my eye... (so to speak) Prey tell, are they in "spandex"... smiley - evilgrinsmiley - winkeye

BBC Proms

Post 7

Mu Beta

The knobs bit is a quote from 'Bang On' by the Propellerheads, whose album I have been listening to quite a lot. smiley - winkeye


BBC Proms

Post 8

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Oh right... lol... not familiar with that... yet...
At the mo. I seem to be obsessed with The Darkness, and Justin's spandex... smiley - ermsmiley - loveblush... not bad for a woman of 40+ year eh... smiley - biggrin
I'm also obsessed with his "flames" tattoo, as my tag shows... lol..

BBC Proms

Post 9

Mu Beta

I was actually quite disappointed with the Darkness album. smiley - sadface

Dig out the old AC/DC albums. They're much better. smiley - ok


BBC Proms

Post 10

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Really, I quite like their style... But then again I remember glam rock first time round in the 70's... catsuits, platforms, glitter, big hair... smiley - laugh
I know Justin doesn't do full justice to his voice range but apparently he's more comfortable doing falseto than any other range... It does however seem to work for him and the bands style at the mo.... I'm eagerly awaiting a second album...
AC/DC are more metal than The Darkness, who are more rock... I do like metal.. My music taste varies right across the scale luv... At the mo. I'm sat here listening to Fleetwood Mac... smiley - musicalnote

BBC Proms

Post 11

Mu Beta

Well, never mind. I'm sure you'll get over it. smiley - winkeye


BBC Proms

Post 12

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Cheeky smiley - tit lol

If you carry on I'm subject you to Dolly Parton... smiley - biggrin

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