This is the Message Centre for Snake

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 1


Having a tough day today i seem to be butting in on semi private coversations and people welcome me but i cant seem to get hold of there conversations somimes it just makes me want to smiley - cry but i think it might just be the way i am am today i tend to be like this every so often but hay well might write a bit more latter just cant be arsed now. by

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 2

Evil Zombie Strider

I know you're feeling a bit better now, but what's got you upset? If you're worried about butting into conversations here on h2g2, don't worry about it. People say everything they say with the knowledge that everybody here could read it. If you mean in real life, 'fraid I can't do anything about it. smiley - sadface. Here, have a loo brush. smiley - cheerup It's supposed to mean cheer up, and probably be a flower, but we've all decided that it's a loo brush. smiley - winkeye

smiley - footprints

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 3


it was kind of a mixture between work and the butting in thing but in feeling a lot better thankyou for my loo brush it is the prettyest loo brush ive ever. smiley - kiss

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 4

Evil Zombie Strider

Aww... It was nothing. smiley - hug

smiley - footprints

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 5


your so sweet and modist to smiley - hug

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 6

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - blushsmiley - biggrin

Say... I know somebody you may (or may not) like to meet. Check out U187573.

smiley - footprints

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 7


interesting i will pass that on to dragon as he is the bet with dragons and dragon owners

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 8

Evil Zombie Strider

Yeah. She (Virabhadra) is my cousin. So, are things going swimmingly for you now?

smiley - footprints

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 9


yes a lot better thankyou!

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 10

Evil Zombie Strider

Im in Mexico, and being much, much, hotter than you are. Just thought id mention it.

smiley - footprints

1st 3 2002 tough day

Post 11


thats just not fair its f@*king cold here

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