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Trip to London

Post 1

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

I'm just back from the BIG smoke of London. It was great fun and I got to see loads of the sites from the luxury of the Waldorfs private cars!

I was playing a gig with Macumba, a samba/bagpipes fusion, from Glasgow.smiley - wow Being Scottish makes me proud(probably cos my folks are from Brum and any accent is better than that!)smiley - winkeye I LOVE bagpipes.

We were staying in a class hotel at Marble Arch (my second only time in a hotel - god, I lead a sheltered life!)

The gig was excellent - the room was sooooo elaborately decorated. Massive birch trees, balloons galore and the most lavish fruit display. It was a huge display on a table, piled three foot high in the centre and was carved. Very posh!

We were provided with all our food so had plenty of money for drink back at the hotel.

By the time we got back, it was quite late so drinking commenced. Four pints later, I found out one of the pipers owns 117 Elvis albums. At this point I felt a bit sick...not the drink....ELVIS!

Bar closed and party commeced in Tinas bedroom. "Lets get room service" someone stupidly said. "G + T's all round".

The door went and in comes a shocked looking chinese waiter. Staring round the carnage of shoes and sweaty scots, he informed us we had to pay thene and there.



£30 for four Gin and Tonics!!

I knew it would be alot but not that much!

Got totally lost on the way back to my room and was glad the place wasnt on fire cos if it had been I would have just lay down and died!!
Eventually I bumped into someone who spoke "very little eeengeeesh".
She had to show me where to go!

Its always funny travelling by air with all the drums. Just to see peoples faces when you are wheeling aroung huge mysterious parcels.

A few suggestions I heard were.... a hatbox....big lump of hashish....duty free perfume!

It was a trip to remember and I was glad to get to know the pipers a bit better cos I didn't really know them that well.

Thanks to everyone at Macumba for inviting me to play with you.

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