This is the Message Centre for Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

Dreadful chatrooms!

Post 1

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

I grew up in a world of chatlines.Friends being grounded for running up £2oo+ phone bills phoning those premium rate numbers.
Tonight I had my eyes opened. I thought I'd find myself a live chat room, as I've never had a go at that. It was very confusing.Loads of different conversations going on...who's talking to who...I didn't know.But some of the things that folk were typing was quite shocking.Considering, this site had a "monitor", it was incredible what was getting through. Won't be doing that in a hurry again.It made me realise HOW dangerous a computer can be without some sort of barring thing in place.Kids could easily get into a pickle....smiley - sadface

Dreadful chatrooms!

Post 2

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

...and no time for anyone to think of anything worth saying...

smiley - groan


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