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The Rasmus
Beatrice Started conversation Dec 2, 2004
Went to see The Rasmus - the biggest thing to come from Finland since Nokia - last night.
The crowd was very good and enthusiastic - all the Finns were there (no, not Neil and Tim), including my secretary (who hasnt weighed in this morning I see, some excuse about a sick dog )
Took both my kids, who found many of their schoolfriends there, while I found mnay of their schoolfriends' parents hanging around the bar.
The venue is very friendly, and they were giving out free earplugs to all the non-adults.
The band themselves were very good - started with Guilty, their latest hit. The lighting was excellent - lot of it coming from the stage throwing the band into shillouette. The lead singer with his trademark birds' nest hair kept off his moon-shaped face by a couple of girly hairclips looked very striking in outline.
And they continued through some of their back catalogue, interspersed with their big hits In the Shadows and First Day of my Life, and included a lovely little acoustic set in the middle.
We didn't stay for the encore (it's a school night and I hate crowds..) but did pick up a Tshirt for my jealous nephew as a Chrissie present
So all-in-all, a good night's entertainment
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The Rasmus
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