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TMBG backstage

Post 1

beetle, return of

Last Friday, I offered my services to the county of Fairfax, specificly to work at Bud Stage. My favorite music group, They Might Be Giants, was playing there. Through several advancments, I ended up working security for the concert. I was only able to work one day, and I wish I had been available for the other two. I enjoyed listening to the band, as well as controlling limited access sections. This is only my fifth concert of theirs I've attended, but have only had to purchace a ticket for two of those. In previous occasions, I have been on the guest list, rode on the tour bus, and even been a bodyguard for one of the Johns. I've had my share of fun with them, and I look foward to the concert this sunday in Central Park.

Do they pay Minimum Wage?

Post 2

Global Village Idiot

Sounds great! I love their inventiveness, and I thought Flood was a terrific album - did you ever try putting "Istanbul Not Constantinople" on a pub's juke-box?

In fact, I think I'll go and play it now...

Do they pay Minimum Wage?

Post 3

beetle, return of

They didn't pay anything. We don't have pubs here in the states. Well, we do. But they are fake.

Do they pay Minimum Wage?

Post 4

Global Village Idiot

Sorry, I meant play smiley - smiley

Do they pay Minimum Wage?

Post 5

beetle, return of

No, not minimum wage. But they did play Shoehorn with teeth twice. The first time was normal, with one of the Dans on a glockenspeil. The second time was introduced as "what Shoehorn with Teeth would sound like on a cheap Sony cd player, that has been fast fowarded". They played Shoehorn in 1/4th the normal time, blurring the words. It was a great effect. Hopefully I can video tape them in Central Park Sunday.

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