This is the Message Centre for beetle, return of
Time time time
beetle, return of Started conversation Nov 4, 2000
I'm gonna work on the body section of this page shortly. If anyone reads this page, please suggust something. Pictures? (i now have a access to a digicam) The return of the beetlinks? Stories about things i've done? (there aren't many so i may need help here) What?
Time time time
bubster Posted Nov 6, 2000
I liked the beetle doughnuts in the birthday thread last week.
Time time time
an apple tree Posted Nov 6, 2000
if there were pictures of your toes....i would be here all the frekking time. for the better good of society through the study of toes obviously, but nonetheless...
Time time time
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 10, 2000
I think some pictures, yes.
I would like to see you and your family and your kitties and Romana. Yesssss.
Time time time
beetle, return of Posted Nov 10, 2000
Now i guess i gotta get to work on thumbnails (and toenails) now.
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Time time time
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