This is the Message Centre for beetle, return of

A coincedence?

Post 1

beetle, return of

A friend of mine named Tree, not to be confused with tree the australian hussy, hurt his back and neck in a fall. Question is, did he make a sound?

A coincedence?

Post 2


Was there anyone around to hear?

A coincedence?

Post 3

beetle, return of

There were plenty enough around afterwards.

A coincedence?

Post 4

an apple tree

i think the REAL question here is not 'did he make a sound', but did he get the week off work?

A coincedence?

Post 5

beetle, return of

I have no idea. I've yet to call.

*goes off to call*

A coincedence?

Post 6

an apple tree

did he make a sound?
when you called him?
or when you called him a HUSSY??

A coincedence?

Post 7

beetle, return of

I didn't call him a hussy, i called you a, Hi!

A coincedence?

Post 8

Classic Krissy

*laughes so hard she spits water through her nose and onto the keyboard*

Oh...oh that's funny....

hee hee heee heee hee hee heeee heee hee heee...

A coincedence?

Post 9

beetle, return of

*runs in with a towel, passes off to krissy, runs out*

A coincedence?

Post 10

Classic Krissy

*wipes off in a hurry*

Um...thank you. I needed that.

A coincedence?

Post 11

an apple tree

*runs in. collects tennis balls. runs out*
*sweats a bit*

A coincedence?

Post 12

Classic Krissy

*times tree*

Hey! She's pretty good at that!

I think we should hire her on a semi-permanant sort of jobby basis.

What do you think?

A coincedence?

Post 13


*wanders in with a set of golf clubs*

I'm just wondering how tennis balls got on the course...

*wanders off*

A coincedence?

Post 14

an apple tree

*wonders whether to pawn the golf clubs*

A coincedence?

Post 15

Classic Krissy

*waits around gleefully for tree to yoink the clubs mhay*

A coincedence?

Post 16

beetle, return of

*waits to find out what a mhay is and if it can be exported in small elephants*

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