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message from a caring, devoted father Started conversation Nov 20, 2002
Please dont have a baby untill you've sorted out your issues, you'll probally shake it to death when it wont stop crying. You need to find patience; my friend is serving 9 years in Dartmoor for shaking thier baby so violently it died. can you see my point. You cant press a magic button to stop kids behaving badly, you have to use psycology and your superior intelect which im sure you have. Sorry for going on but you see im a parent, i love my kids more than a non parent could ever understand, i even wait at pedestrian crossing when theres a mother trying to teach her kids about road safty, if i cross the road before the green man comes it teaches kids that they can do the same, childrean learn by example, so everything you are they will become.......last thing, if i caught someone like you raging when my kid was palying up, well..........
Take care and i hope you do have kids one day and all will be crystal clear, i hope ive not offened you, im just a dad....x
message from a caring, devoted father
Diddy! Posted Nov 20, 2002
u safe nine-bar
sorry this message is totally irrelevant but the skin im using doesnt hav a button to start a new conv and i cant be bothered to change it just t send messages LOL
hows things anyway? recovered from ur weekend LOL
message from a caring, devoted father
Primord Posted Nov 20, 2002
I think you need some of your chill pills-disliking the sound of kids screaming and shaking a baby is hardly the same thing.
now act like a responsible human-and don't bug others-just because you have a warped sense of what you imagine a total stranger to be thinking...
I'm surprised anyone would make such stupid clumsy allegations.
message from a caring, devoted father
Superplonker Posted Nov 20, 2002
I'd like to make the same comlaint. Please do not judge me on two feeble sentences. I take offence to such outlandish remarks.
message from a caring, devoted father Posted Nov 20, 2002
Sorry, but the conversation topic is of rage, if any of you are parents, which i doubt, any connection with children and rage is foolish if not dangerous. I conclude that you must not be more than children yourselves. You seem to take personaly my views that not all people make good parents; its easy to have children, not so eay to be a good parent, had you seen first hand the suffering and pain suffered by children at the hands of bad mothers and fathers you would not be so quick to dissmiss my words. After all im only talkng of good parenting, all you can do is put what i say down.
I hope NONE of you are full of enough rage to abuse a chlid, that is not the point of my writing, im just explaining in the only way know how nurturing and caring for a child
is the best form of parenting. Dont take my words personally, all i said is i hope you ARE good well balanced people as someone i know IS serving a 9 stretch for killing thier child,
she was only 8 months old, kept waking in the nite, crying non-stop,
well it all got too much and all it took was a little shake and the poor mite was dead........
My eyes are welling up as i type this.......Try to remember how fragile a child is, maybe one day you will understand my feelings on this issue.
Primord, you are right, you must have had good parents, im sure one day you will make a remarkable parent as the lessons they taught you, you will pass on to your kids.
I hope you dont continue to take my words too personally, they're meant for all, for in the end we are all responsible.
message from a caring, devoted father
Mother Superior Posted Nov 20, 2002
I have coppied Mr.Nine Bar's words and your replys to use in my work, as i think it will help others understand about 'child rage syndrome' its one of the saddest things i have to deal with in my profession. I also think that the reply 'tough' when Mr Bar found your rage distastefull a strange comment given the gravity of the previous statement.
message from a caring, devoted father
Diddy! Posted Nov 21, 2002
i hav a cousin who is now serving a life sentence for killing his child. i dont know the full details only wot i read in the paper as i dont hav contact with him. the details were he threw his baby across the floor and she hit hur head against the fireplace. i think it was cus she was crying and the mother had been out all day. i dot want to say too much about this cus i dnt know the full details but wot i could gather is this...if he had the patience of a good father then he wud probably not hav done it in the first place. i strongly believe that parents need a lot of patience with children as children do not yet hav the skills as adults do
message from a caring, devoted father
Primord Posted Nov 21, 2002
some people are so stupid!
'rage'...don't kid yourselves...
I think you are all so violent you maust believe others can be the same.
I really worry what kind of people you are.
and I thought h2g2ers had to have a certain intelligence to post here-or else you're a bunch of trolls just waiting to pounce.
message from a caring, devoted father
Primord Posted Nov 21, 2002
mother superior-you are a starnge little person to think that anyone was talking of rage...I think you ought to think before you post...
as I've said-a sad bunch who can jump down someone's throat for such inoffensive remarks...
I'd hardly call 'screaaammming kiddies' much to worry about...maybe there should be a 'call the cops' smiley...for the kind of people who do their nut on this thread.
message from a caring, devoted father
Miss Tish Posted Nov 21, 2002
This conversation gathers more interest as it continues! There is no lack of intelligence here, merely people expressing strongly felt views .. non-parents and parents. Mr. Nine Bar is a very good personal friend of mine, and I know how devoted a father he is to his beautiful daughter. His parenting skills are wonderful, which of course show in his daughter. I have 2 sons, and have been the parent that leaves their child screaming on the floor in the supermarket, and let me just say it is infinitely harder to do that than either bribe or scold the child. A child has a tantrum for attention, if they don't get the attention (it doesn't matter to the child whether it's positive or negative attention) they soon stop screaming. Okay, it's annoying to other people around, but discipline is not restricted to the home. It's generally advised nowadays by Child Psychologists to reward good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour, which actually does work.
This conversation has provoked such deep feelings because of it's sensitivity, especially to caring parents. Instead of slating Mr. Nine Bar for his comments, perhaps you should be pleased that he does actually care enough to comment, and respect his description of the worst case scenario.
Thank you.
message from a caring, devoted father
Miss Tish Posted Nov 21, 2002
Just one more thing. Mr. Nine Bar did say in his messages that he hoped not to cause offence or for his remarks to be taken too personally. I think you need to understand that when you are a parent, anything involving children hits all nerves. It's only natural!
message from a caring, devoted father
Amanda Posted Feb 24, 2003
I am with Mr Nine Bar and co on this one.
message from a caring, devoted father
Amanda Posted Mar 2, 2003
You wanna lighten up mate.
All you do on here, is force your opinions on people and make out that you are some kind of saint.
I have never had a good response to anything I have said from you.
Self confessed, suggests to me that he is reformed. He has faced up to his problems and his responsibilities and appears to be a decent father.
You see another side, I suggest we are having problems with the written word. I think that neither of us can judge Mr Nine Bar until we meet him, and we should agree to disagree.
Prove I am wrong and I will hold my hands up, otherwise shut up!
message from a caring, devoted father
Primord Posted Mar 3, 2003
lighten up...
about drugs? no chance.
btw-you are the only person other than 'MR' nine bar I have not got on with on here-in a year.
read his comments about canabis-and if you think he is right to take drugs then tell me.
I will never shut up about druggie scum-they should be hung for what they are.
have a nice day.
and maybe next time you will understand that drug takers are scum-self confessed were MY words.
message from a caring, devoted father
Primord Posted Mar 9, 2003
Moderators-why don't you remove this whole thread?
It was an silly attck on my character-made by a total stranger-who decided I was a child beating monster-because of a message in the Talking point on Rage that was taken totally out of context.
Since then I have had further foolish posts added-which are totally unfounded.
Ceratin h2g2 posters seem to be taking my messages in an offensive manner-a manner which was not intended.
I have never set out to goad or attack anyone in over a year of posting.
I do not want this thread started by on my page-it is a disgrace that one poster can accuse me off child abuse and the post be allowed to remain.
thank you-Primord.
Key: Complain about this post
message from a caring, devoted father
- 1: (Nov 20, 2002)
- 2: Diddy! (Nov 20, 2002)
- 3: Primord (Nov 20, 2002)
- 4: Superplonker (Nov 20, 2002)
- 5: (Nov 20, 2002)
- 6: Mother Superior (Nov 20, 2002)
- 7: Diddy! (Nov 21, 2002)
- 8: Primord (Nov 21, 2002)
- 9: Primord (Nov 21, 2002)
- 10: Miss Tish (Nov 21, 2002)
- 11: Miss Tish (Nov 21, 2002)
- 12: Amanda (Feb 24, 2003)
- 13: Primord (Mar 2, 2003)
- 14: Primord (Mar 2, 2003)
- 15: Amanda (Mar 2, 2003)
- 16: Primord (Mar 3, 2003)
- 17: Amanda (Mar 3, 2003)
- 18: Primord (Mar 4, 2003)
- 19: Primord (Mar 9, 2003)
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