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Post 1


It's frustrating when someone other than you scuppers your plans. We had just managed to put together an offer in order to bid for a house, when across the road the company who own the patch of unused land there finally decide to sell it off for building houses.

Who would want to live next to a building site? I'd say it will affect our chances of selling our house. And of course, if we can't sell our house, it means putting in a bid for another house (using borrowed money) is a silly idea.

I'm pretty disappointed. It was our best opportunity of buying a house that not only suited us, but was gorgeous as well. To have it taken out of our hands is a bit frustrating.

smiley - sigh

So today, I'm feeling a bit meh. I think I'm going to go and play some Skyrim while smiley - cupid is finally asleep. Chill out, relax, try to get back into a positive frame of mind.

smiley - fairy


Post 2


Well, I got as far as visiting my house and emptying out my inventory before smiley - cupid awoke. Oh well. It's not his fault, I just wish he'd sleep; he needs it at his age.

smiley - fairy


Post 3

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

I feel that parents generally feel that their children should sleep at all ages...until we become teenagers and they start complaining about us wanting to sleep


Post 4


Mine have a habit of being asleep every time I take them into the office to meet my workmates.



Post 5

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

What your teenagers? smiley - winkeye


Post 6


And we've just had a call from the estate agent, saying someone wants to view the house. Just when I'd almost given up on the whole idea!

Silly, silly silly! smiley - silly

smiley - fairy


Post 7

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Best of Luck!!

And, an aside question which i've now wondered for a while

are we all going to refer to the vipple as smiley - cupid in 10/15 years time? smiley - biggrin

Do we have a ?


Post 8


Our place is up for sale if you're interested in a 2 bedroom first floor maisonette in a nice area of Eastleigh. We've asked the estate agent to give us warning the day before when someone's coming round, but our first person arrived out of the blue when the washing machine was broken and leaking over the kitchen floor. Strangely they didn't come back for a second viewingsmiley - weird



Post 9


That's rubbish! You at least need to be asked permission, really.

smiley - fairy


Post 10

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

right i've got a gripe, and its a nice one! my tea pot has gone missing, the better half has been threating to cleaning it out for a week or so and i have been keeping an eye on it for all of this time, so after my afternoon forty, woke to find the blighter has gone.....smiley - smiley


Post 11


You would think so. They keep asking us to go out when they send people round, which with two under fives isn't always convenient, when they're in routines for eating and sleeping.

The worst experience I've had is that someone (can't say whether it was the person looking around or the estate agent) decided to use our toilet, which is fair enough, but didn't flush it afterwards.smiley - yuk



Post 12


Ours try to book times when we can show them round rather than the estate agent (I guess it saves them the money if we do it!). Thankfully smiley - cupid doesn't like routines so it's a bit easier to juggle feeding to suit things like this.

I *hate* people not flushing toilets. smiley - yuk A friend of ours did that the last time they visited us. I don't want to say anything particularly, but it was a bit icky.

smiley - fairy


Post 13


Our estate agent has told us that we should not be in when the people come round to look as it puts them off, while I think that James would do a very good job of showing people round, which he does when friends come.



Post 14


I do admit that when we've viewed houses in the past it is a bit uncomfortable to be shown around by the vendor rather than the estate agent. On the other hand you know your property best, so if the viewers have questions you tend to know the answers in the spot. I guess there's probably no 'correct' way, otherwise all the estate agents would do it exactly the same way!

smiley - fairy

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