This is the Message Centre for Vip

Moving. And such.

Post 1


Yes. Moving.

It's not something I've exactly shouted from the rooftops, but there are still a few of you around who might be interested to know that as of June 2006 I'm heading away from sunny Birmingham, and heading further north, to sunny Leeds. A bit of a change, yes, but we're looking forward to it. Or at least, I am. Richard's still a bit worried about finding a decent job up there. Which leads me on to the next piece of news- I have a job! In the aforementioned Leeds. Although I'll be working for Capita, it looks like the role is scarily similar to the one that I have now, but at £14-16k instead of £10k. Yay!

Might have to wear suits though. *shudders*

But, yeah. Liek, woah. Big change is afoot. *grins*

Moving. And such.

Post 2

Fashion Cat

smiley - bubbly

Congrats hon! You must be so pleased.

Is Capita not so good?

Moving. And such.

Post 3


YahHay!!!! glad that you're doing what you want to be doing!

smiley - sadface about you being futher away. But not to fear! A certain Girl Called Ben lives rather near Leeds so I may well end up seing more not less of Vip!

Moving. And such.

Post 4



Capita have a reputation for being inefficient and fairly useless. However, it's probably better to be working for these people than receiving their services. Oh, yeah, and I might be able to help them be less crap, I suppose. Heh.

Moving. And such.

Post 5

Fashion Cat

Such youth and vivacity. Still convinced she can change the world! smiley - winkeye

Moving. And such.

Post 6


*Checks To Do list*

Ah yes. Change the world is there. Right after 'get rid of the five horrible Leylandi in my back garden and plant a Wistera and a Laburnum, oh and some vegatables'

I think I may have grown old!

Moving. And such.

Post 7

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

psst, get lots of wind proof clothing as it blows something awfull in leeds

smiley - cheers

Moving. And such.

Post 8


Perhaps, but apparently it rains less. Good for me, worse for the veg.

See Z- you may be growing old, but you're growing old in company! Just wait until we have our own house and garden... although Richard is obsessed with greenhouses at the moment and seems to want to turn Leeds into a biodome... smiley - sigh

Young? Idealistic? My cynicism shan't allow such slander to stand. *chuckles* Actually, I am feeling rather young and excited. It's nice. I can't remember actually feeling like this since I came to uni. Actually, I wasn't even this excited, because it didn't seem as real or important. Drugs, eh. smiley - laugh

Moving. And such.

Post 9


I spent a happy half hour in Sainsburys looking at all the different vegatable seeds available and deciding which to buy. Then remembering that I can't grow anything in my garden because it entirely consists of 5 60' leylandi trees. My garden is 11' wide.


I may buy a rake so I can rake up all the stupid little wood chips that are in bettween the weeds. And a spade - that would be useful!

Moving. And such.

Post 10


A rake, and a spade, and a fork, and a hoe, and some big scissors for chopping down nettles. A sickle seemed like a good idea, but you may as well buy a small, thin saw.

Mwahaha, you brambles, you briars, nettles, grass, I will destroy you!

Moving. And such.

Post 11

Fashion Cat

Just stay away from the really strong weed-killers if you want to grow veggies! smiley - yikes And I think you also need to put some high-strength gloves on for those nettles! Talk to Mina, I'm sure she'll know some good tea recipes you can use! smiley - winkeye

And Z - if you've not much space I've got some herbs growing rather well indoors. Its not much, but it might help til you get rid of those lovely sounding trees!

Moving. And such.

Post 12

Mu Beta

Don't become a Leeds girl, will you now?


Moving. And such.

Post 13


Eh up.... tint too bad up ere yer know.

Not that I speek like that!

Moving. And such.

Post 14


I've managed to hold off becoming a Brummie, so hopefully I can stave off Leeds too. smiley - winkeye

Moving. And such.

Post 15


Up north the language is far more invasive, I actually caught myself with a part of the accent recently, had to go home straight away and start grunting Fenese again smiley - winkeye

Yay on the job!

smiley - rose

Moving. And such.

Post 16


No chance smiley - winkeye Yorkshian seems to get a hold of you. And I say that as an original Lancashirian! smiley - erm

Moving. And such.

Post 17


And considering my way with accents (that is, reproduce them badly, without meaning to), I think I'm in serious trouble...

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