This is the Message Centre for Vip


Post 1


There are two thousand, one hundred and ninety nine researchers online.

Christ, I feel old.

It's rather nice, if unnerving.

smiley - fairy


Post 2


smiley - yikes

I remember when I'd be happy if it made it double figures smiley - erm


Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |



apeared in pheloxi`s mind


Post 4


Ah, the joys of them adding stuff when you're not around.

It took me a while of being back and thinking, "Deities, no wonder it's slow" to then stumble across a link on someone else's homepage...

adding "?thissite=1" to the end of the who's online address gives you who's on this site, h2g2 in this case. The other online figure is who's on the whole DNA system. I felt cheated to be honest.

smiley - rose


Post 5

Demon Drawer

It OK VIP most of people you want to see are at the top if you sort by ID.


Post 6


*chuckles* Indeed they are.

That's all for the whole of DNA? You know, that isn't actually many. Hmm. Hey ho. No great loss. I think I'd happy with about ten- as long as they were the right ten. smiley - smiley


Post 7


The sad thing for me is that when organised by ID number, I used to be quite a way down the who's online list. Now I'm usually in the top 10 (number 6 today).

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