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Leopard, imovie and graphics cards

Post 1


Hi people.
I was just wondering if I could pick your brains.
I’ve just upgraded from Panther to Leopard, and bought ilife. Everything’s fine except I’m finding that imovie won’t install because it’s not compatible with my graphics card, which is old, and doesn’t support core graphics/quartz extreme.
I’ve tried to find out whether I can change the graphics card, but with no success.

I’m just a bit naffed off as I’ve shelled out for ilife and I was hoping to be able to use imovie.

I still have the old HD with panther and imovie on, as the techie guy who did the upgrade for me just put a new, bigger HD in. What’s to stop me putting my old version (from the Panther HD) of imovie on the Leopard system, or will it not work?
What do you think?
Any advice would be muchly appreciated.

Leopard, imovie and graphics cards

Post 2


It will probably work fine.
As owner of the iMovie version from iLife 08, you're also entitled to download iMovie HD 6 (from iLife 06), which I guess is newer than what you have, but which has lower system requirements than the new version (runs on a G4). If your computer is new enough to run Leopard, I *suppose* it's also new enough to run iMovie HD 6.


Leopard, imovie and graphics cards

Post 3

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

What kind of Mac is it again? If it's an iMac or a laptop, you're stuck with the graphics card that's in it. If it's a "tower" design you might be able to buy a newer card.

But Ottox is correct, using iMovie 6 is probably the best idea. iMovie 08 was so universally despised that Apple kept the old version around to keep people happy.

iMovie 08 actually isn't that bad, but if you've used the earlier versions it does seem like a step backward. By making it less complex, they removed some nifty features.
smiley - dog

Leopard, imovie and graphics cards

Post 4



Thanks for your messages. I didn't know about imovie hd, that's interesting. Will investigate.
It's an ibook and you're right, I am stuck with the card that's in it as I've just heard back from the guy who did my upgrade and the graphics card is tagged to the logic board. But he said the old version of imovie will work anyway, so that's cool. I'm not fussed what version I use, so long as I can use it. smiley - smiley

Lucky I kept my old hd then! I've just chucked the old version of imovie on here (4), and so far so good. I'm also finding I can run some old programs natively off the old hd, (amazing-I thought it would make leopard conk out-it didn't) so fingers crossed, it should be all ok. Thanks for your advice though. smiley - smiley

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