A Conversation for The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul

Just begging to be made into a movie?

Post 1

Mr Estall

There have been umpteen rumours about a movie of HHGTTG, but I think that "Tea Time" is the book that should really be considered for a transfer to celluloid.

Think about it, it's got everything: heroes and villains, fantasy, special effects, humour, eagles. OK, so maybe not eagles, but you get the idea.

And you know what I think? I reckon Douglas Adams wrote the book with a movie in mind. Read it again and tell me you're not reading a screenplay.

I rest my case.

Just begging to be made into a movie?

Post 2

purple dragon

I am told it is the case, by the sort of person that knows way too much about Dr Who, that one of the Dirk Gently books (I forget which one, but I suspect it was 'Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) was originally written by DNA to be an episode of Dr. Who. I think it probably turned out to be too complicated to finish in an episode or, more likely the BBC ran out of money for that series.

Amazing, some of the trivia you learn.

Just begging to be made into a movie?

Post 3

Zhontac the -17+{9x8}-5-8=42

I believe that TLDTTOTS did, as a matter of fact, have eagles in it (at least one. A big one. It later changed back into a plane, but it most certainly was an eagle for a certain period of time.)

Just begging to be made into a movie?

Post 4

Mr Estall

Thanks for spotting that error. You're absolutely right, there is an eagle in the book; a big one with funny circle markings on its wings that temporarily lives in Gently's house.

Do you ever get those moments when you know what you want to say in your head but can't get it to read right in print? Yep, it was one of those.

I think what I was trying to say was that the book had stuff that would work well in a movie - action, adventure, comedy, special effects etc. - but eagles would be a new thing for Hollywood.

OK, I admit it. I think my head must have come undone.

Just begging to be made into a movie?

Post 5


I think that the theology in TLDTT... is even more interesting than that in "Dogma" (the movie).

It is really hard to resist a re-read every now and then, as times change, and that's what I find myself about to do ... again.

Maybe it will turn up at the movies one day ...
wouldn't that be wild good luck?smiley - run

Just begging to be made into a movie?

Post 6


The only reservation I can see is the preservation of douglas' idea. Like it is compared many times, I would not want people cooking my steak by breathing on it. I'm sure douglas was of like mind. so to get it right it would
have to be edited by the people who revere his writings the most. The readers.

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